Chapter 4


Kimber walks out, and I push off from the giant oak tree—one of many that surr

ounds the mountaintop cottage that doesn’t look big enough to house an entire pack. I idly wonder if she realizes how sexy she walks, or if it’s entirely on accident.

She pulls her discarded wrist cuff back out and laces it into place, covering the marks that have aroused my curiosity.

“Alex,” she says, her authoritative tone far too enticing when combined with her body.

“Yeah,” the dark user answers, sidling up next to her.

“Take the others back to the main house. See if you can come up with anything from our other notes. The werecat knows nothing. The queen has summoned me.”

He curses while looking over his shoulder. Alyssa called her in? Now?

“How long?” he asks, not sounding particularly thrilled with her announcement.

“I don’t know yet. Just go to the house and see what you can dig up.”

Her eyes meet mine as her sexy strut carries her toward me, and I accidentally let my eyes rake over her once again. It’s a shame I can’t touch her the way I want to.

It’s not like I’ve been celibate since Alyssa, but I haven’t wanted anyone the way I want Kimber right now. Then again, I always have been a sucker for the things I can’t have.

“You’re with me,” she says quietly when she reaches me, but she doesn’t slow down.

She thinks I’m just going to follow her?

Hell no.

Dice snickers, mocking me with his eyes. Kimber apparently whispers the same thing to him, shutting him up and bringing on his serious face. He exchanges a look with me, then glances over his shoulder before we start heading back down the mountainside.

Apparently she doesn’t want to speak in front of her people, so I vaporize, splitting the planes once again, staying in limbo as a shadow in both, and letting the molecules of my body painlessly separate as I shimmer down, casting a spell simultaneously to heal my poor battered Rolls-Royce Phantom.

As I rematerialize, my eyes widen in surprise to see Kimber already driving up beside me, her car looking a little banged up, but nothing serious. How in the hell did she beat me down here?

“Meet me at the address on your phone when Dice catches up,” she says quietly, and then suddenly she’s gassing the car, managing to slide between all the wreckage without hitting anything in her woven path.

My phone buzzes almost immediately, and I glance down to see a message from a number I don’t know. But as promised, there’s an address. When did she get my number?

Yeah… She needs to stop turning me on.



“Care to tell me what the fuck is going on now? I’m assuming you weren’t really summoned,” Gage growls, looking frustrated as he exits his car with Dice.

I’m leaning against my car, my arms crossed over my chest, and I grin despite his obvious agitation.

“Sheila said I could only use people I completely trusted. Considering the people I trust the most seem to trust you, I thought I’d use you and Dice. I don’t want to call in Ella unless I have to.”

“Why not Ella?” Dice asks, looking down at his black-polished nails, bored out of his damn mind as usual.

Even though I was raised by her grandparents, I’ve always considered Ella to be my little sister. I’d die to protect her.

“Because there won’t be enough protection for her. The Somage can’t be involved with this source, so as long as we’re using her, it’s just the ones we trust completely that won’t be in jeopardy. My sister is a rare species with royal blood in her veins. We’re going after slave rings that would slice their own mothers’ throats to get at something like her.”