He always has talked a lot tougher than a simple duster.

I look back just as Gage’s eyes meet mine. Zee says something to him, and Gage nods. When Zee walks away, Gage continues to watch me, and I take several slow breaths to calm my heartbeat. One look from him seems to make everything in me work hotter and faster.

Finally, he gives me a crooked grin and pushes off from the post before walking my way.

“Looks like we’re changing locations,” Deke says from somewhere close by. “Gage says he has a large house that is less than a few hours away.”

Gage reaches me about the time those words finish, and he leans down brush his lips against mine. “Come on. You’re riding with me.”



“We’ll check the perimeter, and then head up to the house,” Gage asserts, putting a hand on my back.

Kane shoots daggers with his eyes, but Alyssa laughs at him while tugging him in the opposite direction. We’re surrounded by woods, and there’s no trail to the house. Who builds a house right in the middle of the woods?

“How far away is your house?” I ask him as we trek in the opposite direction from Alyssa and Kane.

“About two miles. We’ll check the perimeter around it, and then we’ll head up. This place is pretty special to me. It’s where I come to get away. I suppose now it’s a place where everyone can come together.”

He tucks me against his side before bending to kiss my head, and I breathe in deeply. I feel so different around him. I don’t feel like I have to be so tough. I don’t feel as though I have to try so hard either. Which is odd, considering I felt just the opposite about him the other day.

Chaz and Zee walk up to cross paths with us, and Gage nods to them.

“Take her. I forgot something in the car.”

“Then I’ll go with you,” I say, my eyes narrowing on him. “No one should be split apart from the group.”

Zee smirks and steps in. “I’ll go. Dice’s mother was going to leave once she made sure everyone was okay with Sadie being here. Dice refuses to let her stay with us.”

I’m sure as hell not okay with Sadie being here, but I suppose we don’t really have a choice.

Gage bends and kisses me quickly. “I’ll be back soon.” He winks and then walks away with the night stalker, and I turn to face the blonde duster.

“He told me earlier I wasn’t leaving his side, and then he ditches me the first chance he gets,” I joke, and Chaz laughs lightly while dropping his arm around my shoulders.

“You and Gage. Didn’t see that one coming.”

He shakes his head while releasing a wistful sight, and I look around the woods, taking in every scene to check for possible disruption.

“You think Sadie is telling the truth?” I ask him somewhat randomly.

His smile falters before disappearing altogether. “Not sure. Only one way to know. But one thing is for sure, if she messes with you again, I’ll kill her. Well, if Gage doesn’t get to her first.”

That has me smiling ever so slightly.

“I was starting to wonder if her apology suddenly made everyone okay with the fact she aided in my childhood nightmares.”

His face hardens as he stares ahead. “I can promise you that no one is okay with it. But sometimes it’s smarter to wear the face of a friend as opposed to the face of an enemy. Believe me when I say that I’ll smile my friendly smile at her before ripping her head from her shoulders if she steps out of line and endangers anyone that I care about.”

My eyebrows go up in surprise. I expect that sort of thing to come out of the dark magic boys I hang around with, but not with the light magic duster. “That’s a vivid imagery.”

He snorts while steering me away from the house.

“You think dark magic is the only magic capable of revenge? Alyssa is my sister for all intents and purposes. By proxy, you became my sister the day you joined the family. Then I genuinely grew to care about you. Now there’s Ella. This damn family of ours needs to stop expanding. There’re too many people for me to take care of.”

That has me laughing. A duster taking care of a creature goddess. “Gage broke through a crystal stone trap. And then today he makes his dark confession that he’s not always been such a standup guy. I just—”