“It might not have been a being they were after,” Dice interjects.

“Considering purgatory was apparently loaded with all kinds of shit, there’s no telling what it was,” Thad adds.

“None of it matters anymore,” Zee says with a careless shrug. “They’re all dead.”

Gage purses his lips. “As long as they were the only two who were after whatever it was, then it doesn’t matter.”

“One problem at a time, Gage,” Drackus says on an exhale. “Let’s deal with the rings and then find answers to this debacle.”

Drackus walks outside, while Liza and Sadie take the opportunity to escape outside for air. Everyone starts breaking off into groups to talk. Gage returns his attention to me, fully turning his back on Sadie, and he thumbs my bottom lip before kissing me on the forehead.

“What the fucking hell is going on here?” Kane asks suddenly, his eyes wide and horrified as I sigh long and hard. Guess the cat is out of the bag. I wasn’t expecting the Sadie bomb, and Gage has been supporting me through the entire reveal. Now things are just a little obvious.

“What does it look like?” Dice drawls, obviously enjoying every minute of this.

“You two?” Alyssa asks, biting back a grin. “Well I’ll be damned.”

“No. No. Hell no,” Kane says, adamantly refusing to even consider it.

Sadly, he thinks he bears influence on my decision. Instead of listening to him, Gage just leans forward and kisses me again.

“Drackus!” Kane growls, apparently wanting backup. This is going to be bad.

“Hells yeah!” Dice says like an excited schoolgirl.

Gage blows out an exasperated breath as he prepares.

“What?” Drackus asks as he returns, looking over at Kane who seems to be ready to bite through concrete. Overprotective alpha males.

“Do you know about this shit?” he demands.

Calypso winks at me, obviously granting me approval. Then again, she always did like the bad boys—hence the reason she married then remarried Drackus Devall.

“Know about what?”

Zee, Dice, Thad, and Chaz all sit down, stretching their legs out as they await the showdown. Thad and Zee sandwich Ella, and Chaz snaps his fingers to make popcorn appear. He grins over at me as he starts crunching down on it, and I flip him off.

“Apparently your dear daughter and your dear favorite dark user have found companionship in one another,” Chaz chirps, smirking over at Gage who doesn’t bat an eye.

Drackus flicks his eyes between us numerous times, and then he looks up toward the heavens and says, “Thank fuck.”

Silence descends, and Gage tilts his head, apparently just as confused as I am, but suddenly, numerous people exclaim, “What?!”

“I’m fairly sure there is a better time to discuss this,” I grumble, still contemplating on whether or not I’m healed enough to continue being so close to one of my captors.

But they all ignore me. “Did you really just say thank fuck?” Dice harps.

“Yes I did,” Drackus says with a shrug, coming over to clap Gage on the back. “Kimber won’t let me stay around her and keep her safe, but she’ll let him. And he won’t have it any other way.”

Of course that’s his reasoning. Damn men.

Drackus kisses my head before walking out, and Dice pouts. “Well, that was rather anticlimactic,” Dice says, frowning. “It was like sex without an orgasm.”

Karma smiles at him, and says, “So like sex with you?”

Heckles burst out while she sashays outside, and Dice follows on her heels. “There’s a r

eason Gage is casting soundproof spells now, and it’s not because you’re not getting yours,” he scolds.