She smiles bashfully while looking down. “It’s weird, you know? I’ve spent so long hiding that I never realized what I could be missing. But an incubus in bed… Just wow.”

I burst out laughing before I can help myself, and unfortunately that draws attention to me. Within seconds, groping hands start finding me, and I come close to breaking bones. But, as always, Gage decides to swoop in.

He brushes two off, and then he takes me and pulls me to him just as Dice pulls Karma against him. I have to turn away when their kiss grows to be a little disgusting. But I almost look again when I realize what a good distraction they are.

Gage’s body pressed close to mine while I’m fighting uselessly against the weight of the heady air.

“You should get out of here. The younger you are, the more it affects you,” Gage says close to my ear, and the chills rise as I involuntarily tilt my head to the side.

I’m already drunk off of seduction. Leaving is pointless and he knows it.

“What good would that do?” I mumble, backing up against him.

He hisses out a breath as his hands go to my hips, and I arch my body to press against him better.

“I can put you to sleep with just one word, and the effects will be gone by tomorrow.”

Sighing, I turn in his arms, and I let my eyes meet his. “What’s the deal, Gage? You were all over me, and then you disappeared. Now you’re acting as though you want me, but you refuse to even attempt it. Am I so much worse than Alyssa?”

Yeah, I know that sounds pathetic, but a girl can only take so much confusion.

He groans while dropping his head back, but he pulls me as close as I can possibly get. What is torture is the fact that I can feel the fact that the succubus spell in here is getting to him.

Finally, he drops his head back down, and he searches my eyes while his narrow. He gives no indication about what he’s thinking until he finally says, “Ah, fuck it.”

In a blur of motion, I’m spun around and pressed against the wall just before Gage’s lips find mine in a bruising kiss. My hands go to his hair, and my fingers tangle in the soft strands of inky black locks. I’m moaning and silently begging with every breath because the heat in my veins is almost too painful to take any longer without some sort of relief.

“Guess some things never change,” Thad jokes from somewhere close by, but I don’t know or care what he means.

Gage presses his forehead to mine, breaking the kiss and panting for air. The he straightens up and looks around. I’m sure he’s about to bolt, but then suddenly I feel the tingling sensations that steal my breath when he vaporizes us together.

“I’m sick of fighting this,” I hear him growl, and then I’m suddenly on a bed, my body popping against the mattress as a smile breaks across my face.

“I don’t know why you were fighting it to begin with,” I say as he pulls his jacket off first and then unbuttons his shirt and tosses it aside.

He bends and captures my lips in another kiss, and I bite down on the metal of his lip rings, grinning when he thrusts his fabric-clad hips against me.

“Because, Kimber,” he says in that velvety voice while sighing, “you’re not a girl to simply pass the time with. And I don’t have any luck with the kind of girl you are.”

Something in that comment is so raw, and I can’t help but smile while reaching up and touching his skin.

“Well, luck changes. And I may not be a unique experience for you, but you’re one for me.”

His hooded eyes heat instantly in that statement, and the flames idle in his irises. I’m almost burning up to my core, and he bends to kiss me again.

“You sure you want to do this here and now? With the air of a succubus in this moment?” he asks, sliding his hands down my thighs.

“Positive,” I say in a shaky breath. “Another new experience for me. You’re a few years ahead of me, so I assume you can show me a number of new things.”

His grin is definitely one I could get used to seeing.

Music thuds in the background, slow and daring, and Gage’s speed follows the seductive beat as he starts kissing down my neck, flicking his tongue against my skin. My body arches off the bed, but then he stands, leaving me bereft.

I start to scream at him, because I’m so sick of this bullshit, but then he grabs me at the waist and picks me up, throwing me against the wall hard enough to crack it behind me. His lips find mine again, as he holds me at the hips, treating me as though I’m weightless as my fingers go back into his hair.

“Gage! Kimber!” Dice calls, sounding a little panicked.

Gage smirks and the sounds disappear. “No one and no sounds can get in anymore,” he says against my lips. “No more interruptions.”