And apparently she’s a very strong succubus, because this is apparently a feeding party.

“Can you turn down the heat, Mrs. Berlow?” Thad asks, now fanning himself.

I curse under my breath when I notice Kimber pushing her thighs together and squirming while flushing, proving she’s affected as well. That’s really not the sort of thing I need on my mind right now.

“Sorry. I have numerous friends here who are feasting on all the sexually charged energy right now. The younger ones are insatiable. So you’ll have to endure the heat. Just know you’re feeding some very hungry little ones.”

She winks at Thad before biting her bottom lip, and Thad leans in closer. “Any time you want, blondie.”

Thad winks at her, and Dice rolls his eyes. “Great. My mother is going to sleep with yet another one of my friends.”

Liza looks younger than Thad. To be honest, she actually looks a little younger than Dice. But her eyes hold the years she’s endured.

“So why not just call us in if Dice is your son and you want to help?” Karma asks, clearly not having much experience with a succubus.

“What would be the fun in something that obvious?” she asks, grinning.

Dice smirks as though he’s amused, and he leans back.

“Well, you have our attention, Mother,” he says.

Unfortunately, Kimber has my attention. All of it. Because now her motherfucking aura is practically dripping lust and singing to me like a damn siren. I really hate the power of seduction.

“Good. Because I’m going to give you the information you need to stay alive. You’re idiots if you think any of you are powerful enough to storm the rings and walk out intact. But I have a teeny tiny solution to all your problems that will keep your wild hearts pumping.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dice groans. “We get it. You’re about to save our lives. How is that exactly?”

“Always so impatient, my dear Dicera.”


My eyebrow cocks up, and I glance over at Dice who is now texting. Just as I’m about to mock him, all of our phones go off.

Dice: #NotOneFuckingWord

A few laughs escape, but Kimber’s is the one that starts crawling over my skin. We really need to get out of this house and away from this spell before I really go and fuck up.

“Here’s the deal,” Liza says, drawing my attention back up, but her gaze is trained on me. Then her eyes shift to Kimber. “Each ring has a seal inside the front door. Witches created it for these rings. They were forced against their will to create it. It’s to keep anyone from escaping. But, force a witch to do something, and they tend to add a little something extra.”

She walks around, drawing out her suspense. A succubus always has a flair for the dramatic.

“All you need to do is spill light or dark user blood on the seal, and fire an orb into the center.”

“What will that do?” Kimber asks, shifting her weight as sweat beads up on her glistening skin. She’s so young that she’s probably suffering the succubus effect far more than me, and it’s hitting me pretty hard.

“All of the beings in there will be bound to their own cells by individualized magic. But by spilling the blood and striking the center with an orb, you essentially unlock every cell’s magic. The only thing that will be holding them in will be iron bars and unremarkable chains. Even a newbie can break out of that.”

I’m not really sure if that’s good news or not, but it’s not something to address right away.

“And you’re sure this will work? Who’s your source?” Dice asks.

Liza rolls her eyes. “As if I would risk giving you faulty information. One witch informed me, and I’ve spent the last week gathering information. As you’re well aware, I’m very old and very powerful. Very few people can resist my charm, Dicera.”

“That’s actually very true,” Dice says, motioning toward her while talking to us.

“I need a drink,” I mumble, moving over toward the three liquor bottles I see.

“Actually, the two of you need to stop with your denial. You’re suffocating my room right now,” Liza says, motioning between Kimber and myself.