“She didn’t deserve you, then.”

A smile breaks across his face, and he looks at me from the side. “You barely know me.”

I clutch his hand tighter and scoot in closer, putting my face just inches from his.

“I know that you chose to tell me this even though you never share secrets. You cared enough about me to upset your comfort. So if she chose someone else because she was too blind to see what she had, then she didn’t deserve you.”

His eyes flit down to my lips, and I feel my breath go shaky just before he crushes his lips to mine. His hands go to my hair as he devours me hungrily, as though he’s been holding back since he got in here, and I grab his shoulders to kiss him back with just as much fervor.

In one move, he has me on my back again, settling himself between my legs, and when he grinds against me, a carnal moan escapes my grasp.

“Gage, I need—whoa!” Thad’s voice breaks through the spell, and I consider tossing him through a portal.

Gage finally warms up just in time for the changer to ice us.

Gage’s lips move away, and he presses his forehead against mine. “Your timing is as fucking impeccable as it always was,” he says dryly.

“Sorry for the interruption,” Thad says insincerely, “but I’ve been calling for you for the past two or three minutes and got no response. Soundproof spell?”

Gage mumbles a yes, and Thad continues as though this isn’t awkward. “Alyssa is on the phone. We need to work on our stories to keep the troops in the dark about where we’re going so that no leaks can be an issue.”

Groaning, Gage strums my cheek with his thumb, keeping his forehead pressed against mine.

“I’ll be right there.”

Thad chuckles while walking away, and I try to slow down my erratic breaths. He studies my eyes for a long minute, and then he kisses me again. This time it’s a slow, sensual kiss that has me wanting him even more. Our tongues flirt with each other, and he breaks the kiss to trail a few kisses down my neck.

“I need to deal with this,” he says in a hushed tone, and then in a blink, he vaporizes from the room.

My fingertips absently rub over my tingling lips, and I grin while dropping back down to the bed. I still feel the cool steel of his lip rings pressing into my lips.

This is either going to be really, really good, or it’s going to be really, really bad.

Chapter 12


No sleep for me last night. Nope. Not one fucking wink. Why? One word: Kimber.

She’s in my head, under my skin, wrapped around me… She’s consuming me.

“So now you’re ignoring her? You’re worse than a moody chick,” Thad says as I step out of the car.

“I’m not ignoring her. I just had a lead to follow in town, so I spent the night there instead of coming back to the safe house,” I say, only partially lying.

“Sure,” he drawls, rolling his eyes. “When I walked in, you were mauling her, and then you disappeared the second you got a chance. What gives?”

Tugging at the collar of my shirt, I feign indifference. “We were talking, things got really personal… You know how that shit goes. You’re laid bare for a moment and something inside you just… gives in.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re afraid of having to meet the father.”

Flipping him off, I walk away, heading toward the enormous house that hosts the party.

“So did Dice get us in?” I ask him, taking in all the elegant and extravagant dresses and décor. We haven’t even made it inside yet, and already I feel as though Gatsby would envy this party.

Dice is standing outside the door, wearing his leather jacket and a bright red shirt. Leave it to the incubus to break dress code.

“Ah, there’s the coward who leaves a woman dripping lust,” he taunts, winking at me while nodding behind me.