I read it.

Dice: #YouAreSoFucked

I flip off the incubus jackass who is openly smiling his shit-eating grin and enjoying every twisted second of this.

Chapter 2


You’d think I just zapped the poor guy. Gage. Unbelievable. He’s nothing like I remember. Of course, it’s been a really long time since I last saw him.

His inky black hair hangs in a soft, messy way, leaving his bangs flopping over his forehead. His dark blue eyes are only made more noticeable by the heavy lashes that line them. His right eyebrow has three piercings now. The left eyebrow no longer has any. There are two lip rings on his lower lip, drawing my attention where it doesn’t need to be. His strong jaw is tight, ticking as though he’s pissed.

Guess I really shocked the hell out of him. From what I’ve heard, he’s not much for surprises. Given the way he was looking at me—like I was a pint of blood and he was a starving vampire—I’m very positive he’s going to be pissed for a while. After all, he has done all he can for the past two decades to avoid my family.

He’s so much taller than I was expecting, and it took all my willpower not to squirm when he was towering over me, staring down at my chest like he was going to take a bite at any moment. As much as I was enjoying the game, I was actually relieved when he asked for my name.

“K!” Alex yells, prompting me to turn and look over my shoulder to see what his problem is. He stalks toward us, his eyes shifting from Gage to Dice. He’s never been a fan of the flirty incubus.

“You got coordinates?” I ask, ready to get far away from Gage… What the hell is his last name? Surely I’ve heard it over the years. It’s never bugged me before now.

“No,” Alex says gruffly, still warily inspecting the two men.

Considering Alex is also a dark user, you’d think he’d know exactly who Gage is. And I know he has seen Dice before.

“Uh, sorry to butt in,” Dice says insincerely, “but we’re actually here for a reason. Apparently Gage has forgotten how to speak, so I’ll talk on his behalf. We have a bit of a problem with rogue dark users—”

“I don’t really give a damn about rogue dark users,” I say, practically laughing. “Alyssa can shred a dark user. So can Kane. Hell, for that matter, Drackus can be called in. He’s still the most powerful warlock around. But I—”

“Gage is actually probably stronger than Drackus, but he’s all secretive about his shit,” Dice interrupts, lying his ass off just to be annoying.

Gage glares at him, looking as though he could rip him in half.

His messy black hair and all those tattoos and piercings really work well for him, but he’s nothing more than a pretty distraction in my opinion.

“It’s true,” Dice says before I can speak. “Ask Alyssa who puts Drackus in time-out when he loses his shit.”

Considering I usually put Drackus in “time-out” these days, I don’t bother responding. Not everyone knows what I can do, and they don’t need to know. I prefer to be the overlooked visionary with absent visions.

Rolling my eyes and ignoring Gage’s murderous stare down with the incubus, I shrug. “Regardless of who has bigger balls in the warlock realm, the Somage has more important things to worry about than rogue dark users. Sorry, boys. You’re on your own.”

Gage curses under his breath before running a hand through his hair. Apparently he manages to unstick his tongue from his mouth, because he finally finds his voice again.

“You’re too young to be leading the Somage.”

My smile is one of surprised amusement, and I turn more to face him, ignoring the fact that my body is responding to him in all the wrong ways.

“And you’re too old to think you have the right to state such a thing.”

His lips tighten, and he uses those blue eyes as a weapon to relay how pissed he is.

I think he’s still ticked off that he finds me alluring. I know I’m pissed that I keep wondering what it would be like to kiss him with those lip rings. Damn sexy dark user.

“If this many are going rogue, then they’re assembling. We need to look into it, and it falls under Somage jurisdiction.”

My moment of weakness is snapped as an angry glaze crawls over me. I take a step toward him, proving he doesn’t scare me one little bit.

“You left the Somage, Gage. You really don’t have any say in what we do or don’t pursue anymore. As I said, we have more important things to worry about. We’re going after the slave rings—been tracking down leads for two years. People are still stuck in captivity all across the planes. Alyssa can make all the laws she wants to, but there are underground tyrants that rule from the shadows. We’re busy saving the innocents out there.”