“I haven’t seen Reese in over a decade,” Thad says idly. “You?”

Gage shrugs. “Probably two decades. Kimber?”

I really hate how good my name sounds on his lips, and I also hate the fact he seems unaffected by me.

“I saw him a few years ago, but all my encounters with him have been brief. I’ve never gone to any of his establishments before. Werewolf territory is usually marked, and it’s hard to get in without an invitation. Needless to say I don’t get too many invitations, considering I’m related to the queen and werewolves don’t play by all the rules.”

While they sit in silence, I note their similar attire. Both are in black T-shirts. Both are in dark jeans. And both have on black combat boots. Their hair is a stark contrast to each other’s, and all of Gage’s piercings make him stand out.

“Did you two help each other pick out your wardrobes this morning?”

Gage’s jaw tenses and the steering wheel whines under his unrelenting grip.

“I’m fairly sure Thad was in your room, not mine.”

Well, crap. I should have seen that jab coming. I really am losing my edge these days.

Thad turns to look at me, his grin spreading, and then he shifts his attention to Gage.

“Dice and the half-demon chick were hooking up in the car on the way back. They barely made it to the couch, dude. All I did was sleep in Kimber’s bed. I’m not stupid enough to get into the mix with Drackus and Kane.”

Rolling my eyes, I drop back and cross my arms over my chest. I forget how everyone immediately freaks out when they find out who my family is. But Gage already knows, and he had no problem turning me away last night.

“They couldn’t have been the only ones making those sounds,” Gage mutters under his breath, and if I didn’t have immortal hearing, I would have missed it.

Thad bursts out laughing, and Gage flips him off.

“You’re fucking with me, right? Dice is an incubus. He has a room in all of your houses. How can you not know what it sounds like when he fucks? It’s like call of the wild.”

“I thought he was impotent until last night,” Gage says with a smirk.

“Well,” I say, my voice tight, “those sounds had to be all from them unless Thad joined in. Someone stuck me in a sleeper spell before tossing me into my room.”

Gage shifts uncomfortably, and Thad smothers his laughter with his hand, trying to turn it into a cough.

“I haven’t joined in with Dice. Ever. Two dudes? No. Two chicks? Hell yes,” Thad adds, chuckling ever so slightly.

Gage’s eyes meet mine again in the mirror, and he narrows them on me as though I’ve said something wrong. I refuse to let last night be the elephant in the room forever.

Besides, I want a redo without the influence of Dice. It’s rare I want something for myself, but Gage is slowly becoming a new obsession for me every time I look at him. Lust at first sight. I’m not stupid enough to expect more. But I’d love to get him out of my system so I could go back to focusing on important things.

“So you think this girl can help us?” I ask to kill the sexual topic when I start to squirm.

“Hopefully. She had to have been on the breathing plane. She can’t vaporize yet.”

“She can shift, so we can’t know that for sure,” Thad tells Gage.

Before I can add anything, we’re pulling up to the werewolf bar that has motorcycles lined up all the way down.

Gage gets out first, and I climb out right behind him, looking over the scene with a wary eye. I’ve only ever ventured into Kingston when necessary. The entire town is marked territory.

“Stay close,” Gage says over his shoulder, not letting his eyes meet mine. “Reese is trustworthy, but the rest of his wolves are completely unpredictable. They usually find it’s easier to ask forgiveness as opposed to asking for permission, so they strike first and apologize later.”

“I can handle the were,” I say flippantly. Honestly, does he not realize I’ve made it just fine in my life without the big protective hands suffocating me?

Two guys walk outside before we make it to the door, and grins break across their faces when they see Thad and Gage. “The changer and the dark user. Should have known that’s who they’d send.”

One of them scrolls their eyes over me, and I hold the gaze without lowering my eyes.