Dice continues to snicker before saying, “Hashtag—judgmental ass.”

I glare at him, forcing his riotous laughter to spark again.

“Are you always so grumpy?” he muses, seeming to delight in his ability to drive a sane soul mad.

“I’m tense. There’s a lot of work to do, and this is serious. A word you should probably look up.”

It’s obvious I’m going to have to enlist help from the Somage. There’s no way I can track down all these leads on my own.

“Hastag—you need to get laid.”

I roll my eyes while his cackles break free.

“See? The hashtag is fucking brilliant.”

I really need to see about dumping him on someone else.



“Doesn’t look like your old crew,” Dice points out, as though I hadn’t noticed. I had heard the Somage integrated, taking in more than dark users, but…

“Is that an ogre?” I ask in shock, seeing a man twice the size of a normal male, muscles bulging on top of muscles. His long strides and hefty size are just part of his intimidation package.

“Yep. Hashtag—Shrek looks hot.”

“Seriously?” I groan, glaring at him.

“What? It’s a good one. Ever since that damn movie, people think ogres are sweet little green things. They don’t realize they’re gorgeous creatures who feast on the bones of humans.”

Stupid ass.

“Not what I meant. Anyhow, I need to find K. At least that’s what everyone is calling him. Do you know which one he is?”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Um… No. I sure don’t.”

“I thought you worked with the Somage all the time.”

“Doesn’t mean I speak with their fearless leader all the time. I’m a freelance hire.”

Great. Yet again, I’m with the useless incubus and stuck being the one doing all the work.

We’re in front of an old farm house, which is odd. But considering the isolation, it seems pretty perfect for a Somage hangout for the privacy aspect. The fences host nothing but pastures of open fields without grazers, and the winding road behind us is too narrow to hold more than one passing car at a time. It’s definitely off the grid.

“Hey,” I say to a girl passing by, her dark hair streaked purple.

She turns to look at me, and her eyes flash a purple hue to match those streaks, and I curse inwardly. A black widow? Really? They have fucking widows on the team?

Stupid ass leader.

“Hey yourself.” She licks her lips suggestively, and Dice sidles up next to us.

“Where’s K? Alyssa sent me here to meet up with him and help with the rogue dark users case.”

An amused smile crawls up on her dark lips, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Not getting anywhere, darlin’,” I drawl, bored.

She frowns before motioning over her shoulder toward the house. “K is inside with the rest of the center group. You’re not allowed in. They’ll be out in a minute.”