Chapter 5


“Stop pissing me off or I’ll do this on my own!” Kimber yells at me, acting as though she could actually do something to me if she wanted to.

Stupid, infuriating, stubborn, insufferable girl!

We’ve been arguing for the past two hours while waiting for Thad’s ass to show up. I’ll need his help, and he needs to be aware of the fact we have a big motherfucking problem. Drackus is no help when it comes to Kimber. For some reason, the powerful warlock seems afraid of this… helpless girl. He refuses to come help me wrangle her into safety.

“You’re not coming, Kimmy. Sorry, doll.”

She snarls at me, and… Is she growling at me? Damn that’s hot. No the fuck it isn’t. Keep your head on right, you stupid son of a bitch.

I really need to screw someone and see if that doesn’t help tame the beast within that really wants to feel Kimber underneath me. I bet she’d really enjoy some of my piercings. Well, I know she would because—

“Call me Kimmy or doll again, and I swear you’ll regret it.”

The challenge in her eyes is evident, not that I’m even a little bit intimidated. Does she honestly think she’s scaring me? You can tell she has spent way too much time around Drackus and his heinous ego. Somehow, ev

en though they’re not blood related, she managed to take on his stubbornness and his temper. How is that possible?

“I’ll call you Kimmy any time I want to, doll, and there’s not a damn thing you can—”

My words end in a yelp as my body folds and a suctioning force envelopes me, jerking me away from the breathing plane against my will. I try to vaporize, attempting to escape the unknown hold, but I’m fucking powerless as I’m tossed into another plane.

I land with a thud, searching the blackness that is encompassing me for any sign as to where the hell I just ended up. It’ll be easier to maneuver through the planes if I can figure out which one I’m on right now. What the fuck just happened?

Oh shit! Kimber. She’s defenseless, and whatever this is was just powerful enough to pull me through the planes—oh fuck!

I curse and growl when I hear the buzzing, and I start trying to vaporize too late. They’re all over me, slowing down the disassembly of my molecules as I struggle. Tiny little squeaks irk my ears, and small but sharp fangs tear at my clothes, as their incredibly small bodies blur around me too rapidly to keep up, their wings moving ten times faster than a humming bird’s. Stupid. Fucking. Pixies!

I really hate pixies.

Tasting their dust, I start spitting, doing what I can to hold my breath and keep that disgusting stuff as far away from my nose and mouth as possible. It seems to take forever, but the glue they use to hold my body together finally separates enough for me to vaporize, and I split the planes, traveling through the thin fabrics that separate each one, and not giving a damn where I end up as long as it isn’t back in that hell—or in actual hell. That would be bad.

The next plane has warped lights zooming in streaks, and I breathe out in relief to realize where I am. How the hell did I end up here, though?

Vaporizing one last time, I shift through the planes, diving low and peeling through the last shard of fabric before materializing back in front of my home where I stupidly brought that stubborn, helpless girl that will now need me to save—

“What the damn hell?” I bark in surprise when I see Kimber still here, idly picking at lint on her too-tight shirt while leaning against my car.

“You have a protection spell blocking uninvited fey from going into your house without your permission,” she says, acting as though that’s the question I was asking, still keeping her focus on her mindless task as though nothing bizarre just happened. “Dice warned me,” she adds.

Then it dawns on me, feeling as though a pile of bricks are being dumped over my head.

“You did that?” I ask in disbelief, still reeling from the preposterous conclusion.

She looks up, and I swear I’ve never seen a smile so smug. “The next time you call me Kimmy or Doll, think about how terrible you look covered in pixie dust.” She runs her eyes over me from head to toe, and then she grins bigger. “It really should be called pixie ash, considering that’s what it truly looks like.”

It’ll take me thirty minutes to wash this shit off, because magic doesn’t repel it. The water from this plane is strong enough because it’s not found in the pixie plane, but it takes a while.

I really, really hate pixies. And right now, I hate the blonde beauty grinning at me with triumph even more. Apparently no one bothered to mention the fact that her gatekeeping abilities could be used as an offensive weapon, one that I won’t soon be underestimating again.

In a blink, I’m on her, caging her in as the menace gathers in my eyes. She tries to remain stoic, but I catch her shiver against me. Good. She’d better be fucking scared. I’m not some pansy she can boss around or play these games with.

“The next time you think about tossing me into another plane, think about the fact that I’m not like Kane, or Deke, or even Thad. I won’t let you walk all over me just because you’re a damn girl. If you want to fuck with me, then you’d better have more than a few pixies at your behest. I chose dark magic for a reason. And I chose it a really long time ago, Kiddo. My powers have evolved more than you can even fathom.”

She shivers again and swallows hard, but she continues to stare at me with a firm glare. “Add Kiddo to the list of pet names I won’t allow you to call me. I’m not a kid, Gage. Stop treating me like one. And I’m not made of glass either, so you don’t scare me in the least. Go find someone weak to bully.”