She’s wrong there. She referred to me as a visionary.

“Or you figure shit out easily, considering I used my power and Kimber divulged the fact she’s a visionary. The incubus hasn’t made a move, but he has the smug, sarcastic nature involved with almost all of his kind. One lucky guess doesn’t make you able to do something like that. Last I checked, demons don’t own that power,” Gage growls.

I pinch the bridge of my nose while mentally cursing myself for ever bringing him. Just because he was friends with my family decades ago, that doesn’t mean I should have trusted him. He’s really horrible with people. How the hell did he ever run the Somage?

“I also know that she’s something else, but I don’t know what exactly,” she says, grinning condescendingly at him.

“So you can’t actually tell what a fey is,” Dice snarks, rolling his shoulders back like he?

?s suddenly badass.

“It’s not like a flashing neon sign appears and announces what power I’m sensing,” the girl drawls, casting her gaze to her nails as she idly examines her red polish. “I have to have come into contact with it before to know the identity.”

“I repeat,” Gage snarls, “demons don’t have that power.”

“What do you know about half demons?” she asks, her eyes still on her nails with absolute casualness, and Gage’s mouth goes slack. He quickly regains composure while shaking his head.

“I know that’s impossible.”

“It was,” she mumbles, looking away from her nails and refocusing her attention on him. “Until some dumbass unlocked the gates of purgatory and released all kinds of forbidden shit.”

I’m fairly positive I just went pale, and like a protective dick, Gage comes to wrap his arm around my waist while steadying me.

“What the hell do you mean?” I ask in a rasp whisper.

She studies me with shrewd eyes, her expression changing ever so slightly.

“Didn’t know? Almost twenty-two years ago, the gates of purgatory were opened to allow some dick and bitch to walk out. But they weren’t the only ones or the only things to escape. All I know is what I’ve heard in the rings. For over two decades, shit has been forming, being born, and the fey world is changing rapidly. And it’s coming in heavy doses. The night the gates opened, fertility was unleashed like a nasty virus, and our horny world procreated like mad. My sister and I were among many that were conceived that night. And my demon father left my human mother as soon as his pants were zipped without knowing what he created.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. How did we not know this?

“I thought only spirits were released,” I whisper while turning my wide eyes toward Gage.

His jaw is tense, but he looks down at me with defeated eyes.

“That hole was where everything the fey world wanted the forbidden to be banished to. But I never really thought something like this was possible. If half breeds are being born with humans—”

“Then fey are also breeding with other fey, unaware most of the time that they’re creating other half breeds,” the girl interjects. “And they are ending up in the rings. Young, scared, and impressionable, they’re being molded to fight a war. Believe me when I say they tried to fuck with my head. If you’re lucky to find an old mentor to teach you the true way of the world, then you keep your sanity. If not, then you end up brainwashed and ready to kill for beliefs you don’t really have.”

“Holy fucking shit,” Gage says on an exhale, still holding me up with his strong arm while running his free hand through his already disheveled hair.

“I need to call Alyssa,” Dice says while walking away, keeping his back to us as he heads into the back room.

I’m numb. This is my fault. I opened those gates, even though it wasn’t by choice. Thad could have fought them if he hadn’t been worried about keeping me alive. He could have escaped, but he knew they’d use me and drain me if he wasn’t there to save me. They would have tried their damnedest to only use one gate keeper, and I would have died failing.

He should have let me die instead of allowing those damn gates to be opened. There’s no telling what else escaped.

“How could we not have known this?” I ask hoarsely.

Just this morning, I thought I knew more about this world than most ancient ones. Being oblivious was not on my fucking agenda.

“Because the fey world elders wouldn’t have tolerated such abominations to exist,” the girl says with a shrug. “My kind were condemned for lack of purity in the old world. But more importantly, we interrupt the balance, and in a lot of ways, we’re better versions of the true fey. There are countless combinations of fey that can be created. Sheila told me most of this. She was my mentor.”

It would have been really fucking nice if she had told me. I thought this girl was an anomaly, not the makings of a new era.

“So they want you because you can sense fey?” Gage asks, trekking on in the conversation while I still try to steady my reeling mind. He’s forced to hold me up as dread consumes me.

“That and the fact that I can possess any fey, whereas true demons can only possess fey if the fey is extremely weak. My flesh ties bring me closer to the breathing world because I have true existence on this plane as opposed to having a true existence in hell.”