She turns and faces Morgana, and her smile gets tight. My eyes drift back over to the brunette I once thought I’d never get over. It’s amazing how a few centuries changes everything.

Kimber sticks out her hand to introduce herself, but Morgana recoils with hurt in her eyes, looking at me as though she can’t believe I’m really over her. Christ.

Kimber clears her throat and lowers the hand Morgana refuses to touch, and she pats my chest. “I’ll give you two a minute.”

Frowning, I take her hand, lacing our fingers together. “Not necessary. I’ve said what I needed to. And I really need to talk to you.”

I eye her, and she smirks. She fucking smirks. She’s proud of the fact she went behind my back and saved my brother’s life.

“Gage,” Morgana whispers hoarsely, but I keep Kimber’s hand in mine when I give her one last look.

“Go, Morgana. There’s nothing left for you here. Go be free and start fresh.”

She gives me a sad smile, her eyes sparkling with tears, and I tug Kimber toward my car.

“That was awkward,” she mumbles under her breath. “Considering she screwed you over, I really didn’t think she’d be all jealous and bitchy toward your new girlfriend—that came centuries later.”

Sighing, I drop my arm around her shoulders. “She claims Gavin put the Aphrodite spell on her.”

“The same one you used on Alyssa?” she asks. It’s not a jab, but I still wince.

“Yeah. Same one.”

“But you don’t believe her?”

“No. I think she is freaking out because she’s alone for the first time in centuries. I’m something familiar, so she was reaching out, trying to grasp onto anything. She’s lost, but I can’t be the one to help her. Not this time. She needs to help herself.”

She’s quiet for a long minute, and then she blows out a breath of uncertainty.

“Do you still love her? I mean, now that your brother is out of the picture, you can—”

I cut her off by spinning her and pulling her to me before crushing my lips to hers. Her fingers thread through my hair, tugging me even closer as she melts against my body.

“I want you. The only one who has ever made me first, Kimber… that’s you. You’re first to me, too. You’re the only one I want.”

She grins against my lips, nipping at my lip piercings that she loves so much.

Then I push her back against the car when we reach it. “Now tell me where you put my brother.”

The seductive air disintegrates, and her defiance forms once again. She’s not going to make this easy.



“You can drive fast all you want; you’re not scaring his location out of me, Gage. I won’t die in a car crash,” Kimber says, sounding bored. “If you want to know, promise you won’t kill him.”

We come up on the convoy of cars, and I dematerialize us and my phantom to surge to the front. She gasps for air as we take the lead and become solid again, but she doesn’t act as rattled as I expected her to.

She knows I’d never hurt her, so I have no damn leverage over her. She has all the cards, and she knows it.

“Fine!” I finally yell. “I won’t kill him, but I do need to know where he’s at so that I can make sure he’s not able to hurt anyone again.”

She leans back, smiling to herself victoriously. If I didn’t love her, I’d hate her right now.

“The devil’s eye is designed to send an immortal anywhere the user wants it to as long as it’s on the same plane as the trap, and as long as it isn’t too far from the trap. So I called a succubus to talk to a witch about where I might could hold a powerful warlock without worrying about him escaping. Turns out she knew a place nearby.”

I drag in a long breath, and drop my head back. “Sadie told you where I kept her. He’s there?”