“The devil’s eye is a myth,” Gavin finally says. “No witch or warlock can use it. You’re fucking up, pretty girl.”

He smirks before lunging, only to find himself gasping for air and staggering backwards.

“You’re right,” she says, grinning at him. “No witch or warlock can use it. But that’s because the devil’s eye is a gate.” Everyone exchanges looks of confusion, and Gavin’s features change to realization just as Kimber adds, “And I happen to be a damn good gatekeeper.”

Then she looks over her shoulder at me as I curse.

“Move,” I tell her, because she’s standing right in front of him, making it impossible for us to take a shot. She’d probably jump in front of a damn orb.

“You’ve never had anyone choose you, Gage. No one has ever looked at what was best for you. That’s changing right now.”

My brow furrows in confusion just as she kneels to the ground, and Gavin lets a small smile curl up as the devil’s trap becomes visible, glowing brightly from the ground as fire surrounds my brother. It burns whiter and whiter until it’s almost blinding to look at.

“Clever girl,” my brother’s voice says just before he disappears.

“Where’d he go, Kimber?” I demand.

She looks around at all the men in traps, and then she meets my eyes again. “I’ll tell you when it’s safe.”

I grab her by the arm and jerk her to me, putting my face level with hers. “Look around, Kimber. Look at this. Look at your family who are hurt and out here fighting because of him. Now tell me there’s good in him.”

She moves her eyes over to Ella whose eyes are the creature goddess silver. “There’s good in him,” Ella says in place of Kimber, smirking. “Kimber was right.”

Groaning, Kane steps back. His eyes never lit up, because like me, he didn’t have to search my brother to see the pure depth of depravity he possesses.

“Then he knows how to trick a creature goddess,” I explain. “Considering he has had two to study for centuries, he probably knows every trick.”

I turn my gaze back to Kimber, but she just stares back at me with her stubborn defiance. “I love you, and I’m not going to let you do something that will destroy you when I’m proven righ

t. Let’s get out of here.”

She moves over, and Dray swoops in to heal the fallen.

“Where the hell have you been?” Dice demands.

Holy fucking hell. Dice is covered in blood, but it’s not his own. He really can use a sword.

“Trying to heal as many as I could that suffered nearly fatal wounds,” Dray answers, letting his eyes run the length of the messy incubus. “Where the hell have you been?”

Dice smiles proudly as Karma licks her lips. Twisted world.

“Getting out years of repressed anger. I really like these anointed weapons,” he says, twirling his sword in his hand.

I pull Kimber aside and lean down into her face. “You’re going to tell me where he is.”

She jerks free and scowls at me. “Not unless you promise not to kill him.”

My mouth opens to yell, but suddenly Drackus is there, pulling her into his arms and holding her against his chest as he fights back the urge to cry. He hasn’t seen her since she was kidnapped.

If anyone can convince her Gavin has to die, it’ll be Drackus.

Calypso is healed, and she goes to Alyssa’s side as Dray starts the healing process on her. I dematerialize and head down toward the hidden vehicles, rematerializing in front of Chaz’s car. He staggers out of the driver’s seat, barely able to stand, and he spits out blood.

My eyes widen, and I go to catch him when he starts to fall.

“Fuck,” I hiss in a breath. “What happened?”

He laughs bitterly while coughing on his own blood, and I lower him to the ground to sit down and keep him off his feet while I help support him.