“Then I’m sorry,” he says insincerely, but I know it hurts his pride enough without sincerity. So I nod and go back to setting up the class schedules for the next week. Finding instructors gets harder and harder. At least I know Cody will stick with it and handle any class he’s able to.

“We’re going out for a few beers tonight,” Cody says, right back to acting as though nothing ever happened. “You coming with?”

“Can’t. I have to be here at five in the morning, because Lane can’t open the place tomorrow. Last minute cancel.”

“Then we’ll just chill and keep it low key at your place or something. We’ll leave early.”

Ah. So this is what all my other friends went through when they kept choosing a girl over beers and stale stories.

“Not tonight, man. I’m not going to ditch you guys. Ever. But this thing with Bo is fresh, and I barely get to see her right now because of how crazy life has been lately.”

He starts to say something, but thinks better of it and walks away. As soon as he’s out of sight, Corbin Fucking Sterling comes walking in with Maverick right behind them.

Maverick is grinning from ear to ear, but Corbin looks like he’s ready to kill me.

Always something.

“Haven’t seen you two since I got back,” I tell them, ignoring Corbin’s scowl.

“That’s because you haven’t been out here much,” Maverick says, bouncing on his heels like he’s ready for hell to break loose and excited for it.

“Why does your cousin look like he’s trying to take a shit on my floor?” I ask, smirking when Corbin starts turning a scary shade of red.

“Probably because you’re dating his fiancée’s best friend, and she hasn’t gotten to see Bo since you two got back. And Corbin is having to hear Ruby bitch about it,” Maverick supplies.

I start to laugh, but then it registers what he said.

“Fiancée? You got engaged?” I ask, shocked.

Corbin relaxes, because apparently that’s the magic set of words he needed to hear. “Took some convincing,” he says with a shrug. But then his eyes narrow. “Ruby could have used Bo while you were gone.”

Not my fault,” I say while turning around.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out as Corbin continues to nag me from behind.

BO: I think I can manage to get out of here by seven tonight. If I be awesome enough, that is. Please tell me you don’t have anything going on.

Fucking perfect.

My smile kicks up, and I continue to ignore Corbin.

JAX: Nothing. I’m all yours. I have to be here even earlier than normal, but fuck it. I don’t care to be sleepy at work if it means finally spending some actual time together.

“Why are you smiling at your phone while I’m bitching you out?” Corbin demands.

Maverick chokes on his laughter and tries to smother it when Corbin shoots a glare his way.

“Because for the first time since I got back, I finally get to take Bo out tonight. She’s been working night and day, by the way. Which is probably why she hasn’t seen Ruby. Nothing to do with me.”

Like the dick I am, I pat him on the cheek, holding back my laugh when he gets pissed all over again. I turn to walk toward a bench press, since that’s where they always go first.

“Good,” Corbin finally says, confusing me.

“What’s good?” I ask as he lies down and takes the bar in his hands, not even bothering to check or adjust the weights on it.

“You and Bo can come over tonight and hang with us, so that Ruby finally gets to tell her we’re engaged.”