Crap. “Hawaii.”

Silence answers me, letting me know I’ve just shocked the hell out of her.

“Didn’t you get my messages, texts, or emails?” I ask, glancing over my shoulder to make sure I’m still out of earshot.

“Shit, Bo. No. What the hell are you doing in Hawaii? Are you with him?”

I swallow hard, trying to distance myself more. Slipping off my sandals, I step into the wet sand, allowing the water to lap at my ankles from a safe distance.

“Yes. I couldn’t break up with him seconds before you were supposed to go to Hawaii with him and his family. Honestly, Bora. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She swears under her breath, and I can picture her running her hands through her hair in frustration.

“Because I had the New York thing already planned. I tried telling him I couldn’t go, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Besides, why would I want to go with him even if I could? We don’t even like each other. Why the hell did you go to Hawaii with him?”

“I just told you,” I hiss. “Did you tell him you had a huge meeting? And why are you breaking up with him? He seems phenomenal.”

She snorts. “Haven’t you noticed? He’s so damn nice. I didn’t tell him about the meeting, because I haven’t told him about my place in Pretty Posh. I don’t share specifics. Our relationship was sex first, questions if there’s time.”

“Well, you’re still in a relationship. Get on a plane and come to Hawaii. I’m not breaking up with a guy you find flawed because he’s nice.”

She laughs, though it’s more of a mocking laugh than one of humor.

“Not my problem. You said you’d break up with him, so do it. I’ve got a date tonight. Break up with him and get home. We need to work on a new campaign to make sure Pretty Posh explodes with its new floor space.”

I yell and call her a selfish cunt. Okay, not for real. But I think it really loudly.

“Bora, I can’t do this. Don’t make me—”

She hangs up on me. She… hangs up… on me! I almost scream at the blank screen. It’d be pointless to call her back, because she’s not going to say anything different. One day I really will call her a selfish cunt—if I ever actually use that word aloud. For now, I’ll stew on what I should have said in the moment. As always. Because I’m awesome like that.

I can’t help but roll my eyes at my own self.

I’m stuck here. For three weeks. I have to stay here until I at least let him save face with his family. I’ll break up with him after we get back.


“Bora,” Jaxon prompts, making me turn around and try to wipe away the guilty expression on my face.

Damn, he’s gorgeous and nice. It’d be a lot easier if he was a gorgeous dick. Then I could walk away without a problem.

“Everything okay?” he asks, sounding genuinely worried.

I frown at my phone, wondering if Bora has even mentioned the fact she has a sister. I know for a fact she hasn’t told him she has an identical twin.

“Work thing,” I lie, instantly hating myself for doing so.

He tilts his head to the side as his brow furrows.

“You work?”

Oh good grief. What do these two do if he knows absolutely nothing about her? Never mind. I really don’t want to know what they do. That’s a stupid question.

“Yes. I work for Pretty Posh.”

He runs his fingers through his inky black hair as he looks around. I’m almost jealous of his fingers.

“And you were able to take off for three weeks for this? You won’t get in trouble?”