Dustin is grinning openly at me. “Dude. Your mom so has the hots for Jaggons.”

Dad scowls at Dustin before stalking inside.

“If Dad wears chaps because of that remark, I’m so beating you to death with your own arms after I rip them off you,” Viv sneers, glaring at Dustin.

“Kinky,” he says, still grinning as he leers at her.

“Pig,” she mutters, but her lips twitch.

I don’t want to stand here and listen to my best friend flirt with my sister any more than Bo wants to see her Dad model in assless chaps.

“Let’s go for a walk,” I tell Bo, but she shakes her head.

“I can’t turn around because I’ll see that.” She shudders dramatically, and I glance up as Vince slaps his own ass for the camera.

Rolling my eyes, I lift Bo, and wink at her. “Legs around my waist.”

She hesitates for only a second before doing just that, and her arms go around my neck. When she realizes I’m about to carry her away from this, she shuts her eyes and buries her face against my neck.

Yeah, I definitely don’t want to think about how fucking good it feels when she starts kissing the side of my neck. I also lose track of how long I’ve been carrying her along the beach.

“I have to be getting heavy. As long as you’re walking with your back to him, I can get down now.”

“Not heavy. Keep your eyes shut. You’re facing him,” I tell her, snickering when she shudders again.

After walking for about five more minutes, she starts wiggling, which reminds my cock how to work as all thoughts of her father flee. Reluctantly, I let her slide down my body before I’m at full attention and struggling to walk.

She keeps her eyes shut until she’s facing away from her dad, who is too far behind us to really see clearly, and she blinks rapidly while shielding her eyes from the sun as her other hand finds mine. Until today, she hasn’t sought out my touch, and I realize more than ever that she’s finally comfortable with me.

I had to fuck her brains out to make her comfortable with holding my damn hand. Unbelievable.

“So that’s what you grew up with?” I ask as we head toward… I don’t know where we’re heading, to be honest.

“Yep. The entire band is that way. Fortunately, they held modesty to a higher level until I was eighteen. After that, they stopped giving a damn what I saw as long as it wasn’t a frontal shot.”

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the way she grew up. On her own at sixteen, for the most part. A father like Vince? A mother who drifts from place to place?

“How are you normal?” I ask before I can stop myself. “Better question… How are you shy?”

She laughs lightly while shrugging. “We met because I was breaking things off with you for my sister. I came to Hawaii with you without even knowing you at all. I’d say I’m far from normal.”

I think on that for a second before nodding. “Good point.”

Damn, I love it when she laughs. Her smile is so free and unrestrained, as though nothing else matters to her right now.

“As for shy, I don’t know. Always have been. Too much attention makes me squirm. Dad always had a big group of people around him, everyone bidding for his attention… It got to where I was just sick of

it. It’s not like I get anxiety or something. It’s just that every little thing makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like big crowds unless I’m really comfortable with everyone there. I really don’t like new people at first. I’m quiet, meaning people tend to talk over me, anyway, so it’s not like I’m adding to a group function.”

“You’ve done well here.”

“I adjust when I have to,” she says, looking around as though she’s searching for something.

“I thought I was laidback until I met you,” I admit, smiling when she laughs again.

“I’m not usually quite so go-with-the-flow. I’m blaming it on Hawaii brain.”

My eyebrows go up, and she grins when she sees my quizzical look.