“I don’t want to talk about it,” she growls.

“You have green hair,” Kode says flatly, stating the obvious.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” Brin clips out, grabbing a beer for herself as she stomps toward Rye.

Instead of slapping him, she drops to his lap, and he grins as his arm goes around her waist and holds her to him. I may not understand their relationship, but I actually sort of envy it.

I’d take a never-ending string of pranks over radio silence any day of the week.

Ruby gets up, abandoning me as she goes to laugh and talk to Brin, who is rolling her eyes. Kode is watching Tria’s ass as she bends over, completely tuning everything else out. It makes me hate him a little, because they’re relationship is so much easier, and if anyone should be having a hard time being in a relationship, it’s him.

He’s a much bigger asshole than me.

Britt sits down beside me, watching Dane as he bounces his daughter around on his shoulders.

“Do you care if I ask you a personal question?” Britt asks me.

I turn to face her, leaning back and nodding. Why the hell not? Everyone seems to know my business these days anyway. Pride comes before the fall, and I’ve sure as hell fallen hard.

“If you had to choose between sleeping with a virgin and a porn star, which would it be?”

I choke on my beer, and silence descends across the yard as every Sterling turns to glare at me.

Damn it. Why did I tell her she could ask me a question?

“Excuse me?” I ask, half coughing.

“It’s for a class I’m taking. I signed up for summer courses to get a jump start on college. This has nothing to do with my own personal matters,” she deadpans.

I forgot how damn blunt she is. And clueless. And completely devoid of any personal boundaries.

“What the hell kind of classes are you taking?” Corbin groans, glaring at her like he could strangle her right now.

She doesn’t answer him, and I ignore the weight of her gaze as she waits expectantly on me to answer.

“Porn star or virgin?” she asks again. “The majority of men seem to answer porn star. However, if asked who they would prefer to marry, they say virgin. I have to have fifty answers by next Friday.”

I clear my throat, and try to ignore how every single Sterling here is glaring at me like they’re daring me to answer just so they can pounce on me.

“I don’t get it,” Britt says when I don’t answer. “If you want to sleep with the porn star, why wouldn’t you want to marry them as well? It seems as though sexual compatibility would play a huge part in a relationship since Homo sapiens aren’t designed for monogamy, yet monogamy plays an intricate and delicate part in society. In other words, you’d need someone extremely compatible sexually to endure the monogamy.”

When I still say nothing, she continues to stare, making me incredibly uncomfortable, because I know she won’t go away until I answer.

“I’d pick something in between,” I tell her, watching as the Sterlings continue to stare me down.

“I can actually add another column just for answers like that. It may help me differentiate my own paper from the others that will be turned in.”

She beams at me like I just gave her the best answer in the world, and I try to take another sip of beer without choking on it this time.

“Who would you rather marry?” she asks, even though she doesn’t write any of it down.

Right. She has an eidetic memory.

“Same,” I tell her without hesitation.

“Interesting,” she says while chewing on her lip. That action makes me think of Bo, and the fact she’s not here.

Loud music blares to life, and I look up as Ruby pulls her phone out to answer it. She seems surprised at whoever is calling, and yeah, I watch like a stalker because it might be Bo.