Why can’t she ever just buzz me instead of coming in here to tell me?

Considering my father is waiting for me to speak to him, the flirty moment is ruined.

ME: Gotta stop talking about your nuts now. Dad’s on the phone. Can you get free tonight?

JAX: Did I mention my dick hates your father?

ME: You just made this awkward.

I laugh lightly to myself, not the least bit concerned that Dad is still waiting on me to pick up.

JAX: Yeah… I see where I went wrong with that one. But no to tonight. I’m going out with some of the guys Kode has working on my protein shakes to talk business. Tomorrow?


ME: Can’t. I have five meetings and two conference calls tomorrow. Not to mention all my regular work. It’ll be midnight before I even get out of here.

JAX: Ppl are going to think I made you up. :(

I burst out laughing while shaking my head. I blow out a breath before sending him a picture of us in the bed, and type out another message to go with it.

ME: Proof I exist.

I put my phone down and pick up my office phone.

“Hey, Dad,” I say on a sigh.

“Vegas this weekend. You and your sister should fly out and watch us.”

“Can’t,” I tell him. “Sorry. Three weeks has left me swamped.”

“Fine. Fine. Still dating Jax?”

Pursing my lips at his random shift of conversation, I nod. Then remember this is a phone call and he can’t see me.


He’s quiet for a minute, which confuses me. After all, Vince Jaggons is never quiet.

“Be careful, Bo. Whirlwind romances are fun in the beginning, but you have to remember they don’t usually last. Don’t get too attached to the guy until he proves he’s sticking around.”

I can’t remember the last time Dad said something like that. Hell, it’s rare that he’s ever even serious at all.

“I’ll be fine,” I promise him. “I’m not getting my hopes up,” I add, lying yet again. At least I’ve gotten better at lying.


“You going to impart the same wisdom on Bora? She’s dating someone, too.”

He snorts. “Bora doesn’t need advice. She’s not one to get hurt easily.”

“But I am? I’m pretty sure I’ve never downed a pint of ice cream after a breakup, Dad. I’m just as tough as she is.”

Yeah, I sound a little resentful. I hate the fact people mistake my “nice” demeanor as being weak.

“Sure you are,” he says, even though his voice is thick with condescension.

“It’s busy here. I have to let you go.”