Cody cocks an eyebrow at me. “Serious, dude? I mean, I get being all over her right now. Hell, she’s the only available chick around unless you drive a fucking million miles into town. But back in Sterling Shore, you won’t need to limit your pickings.”

He waggles his eyebrows, and I flip him off. Again, I want to punch my other best friend in the face, because I’m apparently suffering “roid rage” without actually taking steroids.

“What’s your problem with Bo?” I ask him, unable to keep the hard edge out of my tone.

His eyebrows go up as though he’s surprised, then he motions up and down with his hand, gesturing at me.

“Let’s not do this before he has coffee,” Dustin says, trying to defuse the tension with humor, but it doesn’t work.

Cody ignores him, just like I do.

“This is my problem, man. You’re acting like a pussy-whipped toy for a girl who pretended to be her sister so she could come here with you. Can you spell psycho? I can. Bo. Then she claims to have issues with groups so she can keep you isolated from your friends and family while you’re here. It’s like brainwash or some shit, because this isn’t you. She’s nothing but a bitch in saint’s clothing, and she has you wrapped—”

My fist is colliding with his face before I can even stop myself, and Dustin’s yells are lost as white noise plays in my ears. It’s not until Vince shows up and helps Dustin pull me off Cody that I finally stop pummeling his face.

When I try to launch myself at him again, Vince and Dustin slam me back against the counter. I blame the fucking pancakes when I can’t break free.

“The fuck is wrong with you?!” Cody roars, clutching his bloody nose as he peels himself off the ground.

“Seriously suggest leaving, dude,” Dustin tells him, struggling to keep me from breaking free.

“What the fucking hell is going on?” Vince growls.

“Goodness!” My mother’s screech barely even reaches me because I’m still in tunnel-vision mode. Cody glares daggers at me as he spits blood to the floor and shakes his head.

“I’m your best friend and this is how you treat me? Over some girl you barely know? Over some girl who lied to you? Wake the fuck up. This is crazy! All of this is crazy!”

Vince tenses beside me, and he takes a step toward Cody that has Cody stepping back. Damn it! Dustin is still holding me, and I’m still pinned.

I’m never eating a pancake again, and I’m living in the gym.

“If this is about my daughter, then get the hell out of my house!” Vince tells Cody, vibrating with fury.

He’d be the one kicking his ass if he knew what Cody had just said. Cody stands in place defiantly, probably figuring he can take Vince on.

“Even if it’s not about Bo, get the hell out.” My dad’s voice comes from out of nowhere as he steps up and crosses his arms over his chest. “Jax doesn’t lose his temper for no damn reason, so leave. Now. Before I tell Dustin to turn him loose.”

Cody curses before stalking out of the house, because he knows he doesn’t stand a fucking chance against me—even in pancake shape. Dustin doesn’t let me go until a few minutes after the door slams.

“What’s going on?”

Bo’s voice has everyone turning to see her as she walks in with wet, freshly showered hair and a robe. I push away from the counter and go directly toward her, wrapping my arms around her waist while walking her backward.

“Nothing. Just some bullshit. It’s handled.”

I’ll talk to Cody after I cool down, but that sure as hell won’t be tonight.

She frowns and acts like she’s about to say something, but I’m not going to let Cody ruin our last uninterrupted day together in a place where there aren’t supposed to be real world problems.

So, I kiss her to keep her from speaking, and she melts against me as her fingers tangle in my hair with practiced familiarity. I should have stayed in bed instead of trying to get anything else done.

Chapter 35


He punched his best friend. For me. He stood up for me. He took my side without hesitation.

Jax Marshall just destroyed every small barrier I was trying to keep in place with one simple action: He was on my side.