“Like any other form of paradise, it makes you act differently. You get to relax, be more like your real self, and just live instead of rushing around. If we were in Sterling Shore and all this was happening, I wouldn’t be so laidback.”

Sterling Shore… Nope. Not going to think about the future just yet.

In the moment. Stay in the moment.

“There it is,” Bo says, shaking me out of my thoughts. My eyes move to where she’s pointing, and I follow her toward a large set of rocks that do not look too promising.

Looking around, I notice we’ve moved away from the beach, and now we’re headed into the mini jungle-type area.

“Barefoot,” I remind her, glancing down at the sand that is now mixing with grass.

“They keep a trail cleaned out,” she says, brushing off my concerns. Sure enough, there’s a trail right in the middle of the growth, and I put a hand on her back, making sure I don’t lose her as I look around at the massive jungle growth that seems to come out of nowhere.

Vivid colors are all around me, almost looking like a painting as opposed to real life. Thankfully, no animal sounds—besides some birds—are around. That wouldn’t be okay.

Bo smiles over her shoulder at me just as I quit scanning the scenery around us, and I pull her a little closer, keeping my hand on her waist.

“Where are we going?” I ask her, but she just laughs lightly while turning back around.

“The sex cove,” she finally says, causing me to trip over my own feet like an idiot.

She laughs again, but I’m too mesmerized to care that my mouth is hanging open in awe. Paradise is an actual place, and we just found it. Stepping onto another section of beach, I turn a circle, trying to figure out how we got here.

I stop spinning when I start feeling like a cartoon character.

Bo is smiling at me and walking backwards, and I glance over her shoulder to see this cove she’s talking about. It’s not a beach, per se. I mean, there’s sand, but no crashing waves.

It’s like there’s a mini version of the ocean back here with nothing but privacy. Rocks are staggered and sticking up, making a perfect cave type area, but they’re smooth stones instead of jagged, volcanic rocks. It almost looks like the perfect nook to escape the rest of the world.

Land is across from us, encircling the water. It almost looks like a pond, but I can see the large canal type area where the ocean is connected.

“It really is paradise,” I murmur to myself.

“It’s like a small bay, and the waves don’t crash in this part. The stones feel like they’ve been sanded down to make the perfect place to relax. Dad always called it his favorite enigma.”

She walks into the water that is moving more like a lazy river than an ocean, and sits down on a rock hidden in the shade, leaving her feet dangling in the water.

I wade out into the water, feeling my feet hit a drop off, and suddenly I’m waist deep. Bo smiles down at me and scoots over on the rock just as I reach her. Without even giving it a thought, I grab her hips and slide her into the water until her legs wrap around my waist and her lips brush mine.

“Why is this the sex cove?” I ask, sliding my hands over her ass.

“It has mystic powers. Can’t you tell?” She grins before biting that damn lip of hers, and I try to ignore my painful erection.

“Not at all,” I lie, smiling when her grin broadens.

Her smile slowly falls, and it’s like she drifts into her thoughts. Apparently they aren’t good thoughts, since she’s no longer smiling at all now.

“What’s on your mind?” I ask, pushing her against the rock a little more as I dip my head to kiss the side of her neck. Her breath hitches and her fingers slide into my hair, something I love for her to do. It means she needs something to cling to.

“What are we doing?” she finally asks.

I stop kissing her neck, but I don’t lean back to see her eyes.

I’ve been around girls long enough to know she doesn’t mean what are we doing right this moment. That’s a loaded question I’m not ready to answer, so I keep it light.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I ask, smiling against her neck and hoping she drops it.

“Is this a vacation fling, or… What happens when we get to Sterling Shore?”