I don’t look away from Cody.

“I’ve lost my appetite,” I say dryly.

Jax looks between us, but Cody looks at him and shrugs before getting up to go join my dad and Dustin in the living room.

“Something going on with you two?” Jax asks me, his brow furrowing.

I’ve told Jax I’m not really the girl he came here with, pretended to be on my period, and filled him in on the compulsion to have identical markings to my identical twin… Yeah, I’m not going to add causing problems between his butt-sniffer friend and him to that list.

“Nope,” I say with a forced smile.

And now I’m back to lying.

I’ve never felt like such a complicated person in all my life.

Chapter 30


“You haven’t said anything about Bo and me, have you?” I ask Kode.

“Nope. Even played dumb and asked where you were the other night when shit hit the fan at your gym.”

“What shit?”

“Nothing to worry about. All good here. Your gym is safe in our hands.”

“That makes me feel so much better,” I reply dryly.

“Glad I could help,” he retorts. “Got the protein line ready for the most part. Just waiting on you to get back to go over it before we decide on packaging.”

“Sounds good,” I tell him, walking outside to join Cody, but my eyes land on someone much better to look at.

“Good luck with Bo. Don’t make me kick your ass,” Kode tells me.

“Bo is fine,” I assure him, rolling my eyes at his empty threat.

As soon as I hang up, Cody pounces.

“How can you just be okay with this twisted situation?” Cody asks me.

I watch Dustin and Bo laugh as Vince puts on a one-man comedy show in the water—still in a damn speedo.

Does the man need more clothes?

Leaning on the railing of the deck, I keep my eyes on Bo. Then I start feeling creepy for staring at her ass while she’s talking to her Dad, so I cut my eyes to Cody to answer his question.

“It is twisted,” I confess, but my eyes move back to her. “But she’s… I want to get to know her.”

“And then what?” he prods.

“I don’t know,” I say honestly. “The gym is eating up a lot of my time, along with training sessions. I a

lso have a lot of shit going on with the brand, not to mention all the new classes I added. On top of that, Kode is trying to get my own protein line launched. He makes it sound like an easy launch, and Kode knows business.”

Cody snorts derisively. “Kode knows business but not gym business. Stick to just the gym,” he says, shaking his head. “Let the Sterlings run their own business ventures.”

Cody hates talking about me expanding or bigger opportunities because he’s always wanted things smaller. Not sure why.