Fuck. I skipped the usual conversation because of the twisted circumstances.

Later. I’ll deal with it later.

Right now, I have to deal with the painful erection that won’t go away. Checking the hallway, I head down to the unused bedroom to jerk one off before breakfast. After feeling Bo on top of me all night, it shouldn’t take too damn long.

I shut the door quietly, but curse when I trip over the small rug. I forget about that bastard every time.

The room is simple and smaller, and it’s not distracting me from anything as I lie down on the bed and grab my lotion bottle. I grimace, thinking of how pathetic I’ve grown, but the thoughts wipe free from my mind as I start pumping up and down, imagining it’s Bo riding me instead of my hand.

The way she bites her lip and peers up from under her lashes… Fuck, I love that look. My balls tighten quickly, just as I suspected, and my legs stiffen as pleasure spikes and shoots up my body, raking over me with enough force to make me grunt.

My hand doesn’t cover the end of my dick in time because of how powerful and fast it hits me. Just as I shoot off like a fucking rocket, the door taps against the wall, bouncing like it’s been opened, and a strangled sound comes from my right.

My eyes dart to the door, and there stands Bo, Dustin, and my motherfucking mother, who screeches and covers her eyes the second she realizes what she’s seeing. Bo doesn’t cover her eyes, and neither does my fuckwad of a friend.

“What the hell?!” I roar, scrambling to grab a pillow and cover my cock that is still fucking leaking.

I don’t even know where the hell my load… Ah hell. It’s on my fucking shirt. Fucking perfect.

Reaching down, I jerk my shorts up as Dustin doubles over and howls out peals of laughter that almost echo off the walls. He collapses to the floor, heaving for air, and my mother…

She keeps her hands over her eyes while she calmly steps back and disappears from sight. I try to think of a worse moment in my life.

None come to mind.

Man, I’ve fucking fallen from grace. Why the hell didn’t I lock the door?!

“How long have

you been there?” I growl standing up and casting aside the soiled pillow.

Dustin can’t stop laughing long enough to speak or breathe, so my eyes move to a crimson-stained Bo who isn’t blinking. She’s just staring with her hand over her mouth, hiding her own amusement.

Fuck my motherfucking life.

Chapter 29


Jax glares at me, staring like he expects me to answer his question. I work on getting my lips to move so I can answer, but I know I sound mortified.

“We just got here as you… um… finished up,” I say, swallowing against the lump in my throat. My eyes move to the lotion on the nightstand then back to him, and I continue to do very well not to laugh at him. Unlike Dustin.

“You have… a spank room,” Dustin heaves, almost choking on his laughter. “That shit shot out like a cannon,” Dustin howls from the ground, laughing so hard he has to clutch his side while rocking back and forth on his knees. “Dead!” he exclaims, tears rolling from his eyes. “I’m dead.”

Jax rolls his eyes while walking by him and me, and I debate whether or not to follow him.

“I’m not going to have an ounce of dignity left after this trip,” he mutters just loud enough for me to hear. It’s then I realize my body must have made the decision to follow him, because I’m right on his heels when he heads into the bedroom.

I narrowly miss being slammed by the door, and he grips his hair while keeping his back to me. Then he pulls off his shirt, being very careful to keep it far away from his face while taking it off, and tosses it aside.

“I’m getting a flight tonight,” he mumbles, and I have to try harder not to laugh.

“Are you serious?” I ask, keeping my mouth covered because my smile can’t be contained.

“Hotel might be better. I can’t stay here right now. That’s not cool. At all.”

I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything.