“And we’ve heard the best part more times than I can count,” Dustin says, giving him a cheeky grin before taking a sip of his own beer.

I spent the day with Bo, just talking and walking and listening to how she grew up versus how I grew up. I can’t remember the last time someone asked so many questions about my life. I also can’t remember freely volunteering so much information.

Hell, the Sterlings have been trying to pry shit out of me since they met me. Bo’s as private as I am, yet she opened up, and I found it impossible not to match her story for story.

Now I’m stuck with Cody and Dustin, and all I want to do is finish what we started earlier today.

“Hello!” Cody says loudly, waving a hand in front of my face before completely blocking my view of Bo.

My eyebrows go up as I tilt my head back to stare up at him. It’s too much effort to stand up, but I’m ready to get off the beach.

“What?” I ask innocently.

“Don’t ‘what’ me. You know what. You’ve ignored us most the day to spend it with Bora. Of all people.”

“Lay off him,” Dustin says with a swat of his hand. “If I had a girl that nice and hot, there’s no way I’d be on the beach with either of you fuckers.”

True story. Why am I down here again?

“Bora is a grade A bitch. Fuck that. You said you were dumping her; now you act like it’s killing you to be out here with us instead of her.”

Dustin’s grin breaks across his face before he turns to face me.

“I’m not dumping her,” I tell him, feeling my lips twitch when his smile drops immediately.

“What? Why the hell not?” Cody demands.

“Why is it any of your business?”

Cody glares at me while sitting down in a chair in front of me, which allows me to see Bo again.

“Because the last I checked, I’m your best friend, and Bora is just a piece of ass. What’s up with you? You’re not acting like yourself. Since when do you ditch us for some chick?”

He has a point, but I’m getting tired of his tone.

Standing up, I clap him on the shoulder. “Watch what you say about Bo. She’s not just a piece of ass. And, by the way, Bo and Bora aren’t the same two girls.”

“The fuck does that mean?” he asks.

“It means, Bo is Bora’s twin. Long story short, she’s nothing like Bora, so treat her better. She isn’t going to castrate you in your sleep. At least I haven’t seen that side of her yet if it exists.”

“So she does have a sister!” Dustin says with a grin. “Fuck yes. A twin? Day. Made.”

I laugh while walking away, and ignore Cody when he starts calling for me. He’s drunk and turning into an ass. I’ll deal with him when he’s sober and more rational.

Bo is gone when I look up to the deck, and I head inside to find her. It doesn’t take long. Her voice is easy to find in the otherwise quiet house, since Vince took my parents and Viv out for a night on the town.

She’s in the den, but I stop walking when I see she’s on her phone.

“I love it,” she says to someone. “Yeah. I think so. He hasn’t really said, but it doesn’t matter. I like it.” I frown, wishing I could hear the other side of the conversation. “How’s Dick?”

Dick? Who the fuck is Dick?

“I’m happy for you. Really, Bora. I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy.”

I visibly relax when I realize she’s talking to Bora about someone Bora is apparently dating.

“I sent you a picture. Don’t kill me when you see it, but I couldn’t help myself. You know you want it, too.”