I groan while turning back to a flushed and somewhat annoyed Bo, as she glares past me to the closed door. The guys continue laughing like teenagers as footsteps bound away.

“Do you think they heard all that?” she whispers.

“Nah,” I tell her. “They wouldn’t be patient enough to eavesdrop, and it sounds like they really think I’ve being getting fucked all week.”

“Will they really knock every five minutes?” she asks, risking a glance at the door again.

“Unfortunately,” I mumble, silently cursing my asshole friends.

“Then you should go,” she relents, sighing.

I slowly climb off her, ignoring my cock’s protes

ts. Then I reach for her to pull her off the bed. Instead of giving me her hands, she just looks at me.

“I’m good here,” she says, waving me off. “I might go downstairs after you guys leave.”

I snort derisively while shaking my head. “You’re coming with me. I’m not leaving you here while I go into town with my friends. That’s a dick move.”

She shakes her head, scooting over away from me. “I don’t really like new people or large groups. I’m surprised I’ve been able to be around your family without my skin crawling.” She grimaces, then adds, “That came out wrong. I didn’t mean it like it sounded.”

“My skin sometimes crawls around my family, so no offense taken. And that ‘reunion’ thing had thirty people at least. These are just two of my friends.”

She continues to shake her head. “The reunion is different. I can’t explain it, but I’m really comfortable around them. New people… Not so much.”

Sighing, I act like I’m going to turn away, waiting for her guard to go down, then I turn quickly and grab her ankle. She squeals as I jerk her down the bed, and I chuckle when she puts up a cute little excuse for a fight.

It’s easy to subdue her, and I press my body back down on hers, trapping her in place as she glares at me.

“Amani threatened my balls,” I tell her, watching as horrified fascination lights up her face and she battles a smile. “So you sort of owe me. My friends won’t threaten any of your favorite body parts. Promise.”

She loses that battle with the smile when it spreads across her face, then it falls as she sighs in defeat. “Just let me change first.”

My eyes drop down to her bottoms that are slipping off her hip—since I untied a string—and I also take in the see-through sham of a dress, or whatever it’s called. “Yeah. Definitely change.”

She seems almost amused when I pull myself off her, and I try not to think about what I just said.

Bo Brendon might be a bad idea.

Chapter 25


“Glad Dad has an emergency stash of credit cards ready to be mailed out at a moment’s notice,” Jax says as he swipes his card to pay for a sponge. A sponge?

“I’m glad I have emergency cards at the office and really good assistants,” I add.

God knows Bora wouldn’t have gone to my place to mail them, and Shanna would have spent twenty minutes yelling at me before I could even ask her to do it.

“What’s with the sponge?” I ask him, unable to help myself.

“Souvenir for Viv.” He smirks, and I shake my head. She really does act like whoever she’s around, which is usually Mrs. Marshall. She even acts like she has the hots for my dad. Ewwww.

Jax laces our fingers together as we walk down the crowded street of the local town. Even though it’s local, it’s still quite a drive from the house.

I’ve decided Cody and Dustin are just fourteen-year-olds trapped in men’s bodies.

“Are you sure they’re not really teenagers?” I ask as the two make fart noises behind a group a girls, getting nasty looks sent their way as the girls huff and storm away.