His smile only grows, and I flip him off.


t make me kick your ass.”

He holds his hands up, laughing lightly as he backs away. Cody is still drooling over the massive home.

“And Vince Jaggons is legit here?” Cody asks, already fighting to keep his cool.

“Yeah. He’s somewhere. Probably in a speedo. Have fun with that view.”

They both wrinkle their noses, and I laugh. “Mick was here. He took off the other night with his assistant.”

“Damn,” Dustin groans. “Mick’s my fave. Vince is—”

“Definitely in a speedo,” Cody finishes, pointing out the window as Vince struts by on his way to the ocean. I’m sick of seeing that man in so little.

“Where’s your girl?” Dustin asks, eyeing Jane’s ass as she walks by. Jane doesn’t even so much as spare him a glance. “And who was she?”

“She’s off limits. She lives here.”

His mouth forms an O. I explained things earlier when I called them to give them the new address. They took in all the new info pretty well, but I don’t want them fucking someone from here. The last thing anyone here needs is a playboy out for a good time.

“And your girl?” Cody asks. “Bora still being Bora? How have you survived this long?”

I didn’t tell them about that.

“She went into town earlier while I was showering. She should be back soon.”

I shrug as Jonah, a guy who lives here, comes and starts collecting their bags.

“We can get those,” I tell him.

“I’ll put them in a room. I like to do this for Vince’s guests, and I get paid to do it.”

He gives me a look that tells me I better not pity him, even though I heard his story the other night. I just nod, and he takes the bags before walking to the back.

“Want to hit the beach?” I ask them, noticing they’re already in board shorts, as though the ocean was priority number one.

“Definitely,” Cody sighs, looking back out as Vince pops up on a surfboard.

“For an old dude, he’s not bad,” Dustin says with a shrug.

Snickering, we head outside. Just as we reach the water, Dustin grabs my arm and rips me back.

“Please fucking tell me she doesn’t live here,” he groans.

My eyes move over as I smile, but that smile falls when I see who has him gripping my arm too tightly.

“Holy shit. If she does live here, tell me she hasn’t been through anything bad. Like maybe she just needed a place to crash for a while or something?” he goes on, ignoring my jaw as it grinds.

Cody bites his knuckle, turning away as his body shakes with silent laughter, and I watch as Bo walks our way, hesitating for only a second when she sees them.

Her smile falters and she suddenly looks nervous. Why is she nervous?

She’s wearing a see-through orange thing that does not cover up that skimpy bikini underneath it at all, and Dustin is eye-fucking her with every step she takes toward me. Her hair looks lighter, almost as though she had some blonde tint put in it, and it’s wavy, like she’s prepared to be on the beach now.

“New hair?” I ask, biting back the unbidden anger that stirs when Dustin throws his charm her way, speaking before she can answer.