Sighing, I turn just as I hear Jax jogging up the stairs. Then… I forget what I’m supposed to be doing. That V… Yeah… You know the one. My eyes follow it until it disappears below the waistband of his gym shorts. Slowly, my eyes comb back up the defined contours of his abs and chest, and I envy the sweat that is getting to trickle along all those grooves. I’ve never been big on muscles, but Jax isn’t a bulky guy. He’s all lean muscle and mouthwatering—

My mind shuts off when I meet his eyes and see his cocky, amused smirk, and then I clap my mouth shut. I hope it hasn’t been hanging open very long.

“Do I want to know what’s on your mind?” he muses, teasing me a little with his tone.

No. I don’t even know what I’m thinking. It’s like a bomb has gone off inside my brain, and the apocalypse has started up there.

“Nice run?” I ask, wincing when I hear how husky my voice sounds.

He shrugs and props up beside me.

“Could have been better if you joined me. I’m not much of one for running alone.”

“I can’t run on sand. That takes an extra level of skill that I don’t possess.”

He snickers lightly while lacing our fingers together. Why is he holding my hand?

“Saw Viv. Was she being a bitch?”

“Actually, she was nice. Well, mostly. I think.”

He seems surprised by that, but I’m too busy reeling from my morning full of surprises to even think about his.

“I have some friends on their way. I forgot all about them, and I didn’t tell them we changed houses. Vince told me to send them over. That’s why I took so long with the coffee this morning. I was talking to him.”

He didn’t take long enough with the coffee.

“They won’t say anything about me or the people who live here?”

“I wouldn’t let them come if I was even a little worried about that.”

The sincerity shines in his eyes, and I stupidly trust the man who is trying to deceive me by not letting on that he knows I’m deceiving him.

Train. Wreck.

“Good,” is my only response.

“I’m about to take a shower. You wanna join me?” he asks, waggling his eyebrows.

Now I don’t know how much he’s acting. What would he do if I said yes?

“I’m going to be in the ocean, and I showered last night.”

He smiles like he was expecting that answer, and he lets go of my hand before walking inside. It’s then I realize he hasn’t even tried to kiss me on the lips since the night of the bonfire.

How in the hell did I not notice that sooner?

After a few minutes, the ocean loses its appeal, and I silently curse myself before wandering back inside.

Chapter 22


“’Bout damn time we found this place. Holy shit, dude. This is Sterling,” Cody says as he whistles low and takes in the massive home.

“I call dibs on the room next to your sister’s,” Dustin says, smirking when I roll my eyes.

“Dixon isn’t here, so she might actually take you up on that standing offer.”