“With Bora’s ex?”

“Yes. He knows, but he’s pretending not to know. What do I do? Do I confront him, or do I pretend to not know that he knows?”

“You’re confusing me…”

“Why is everyone finding this confusing? He knows I’m me, but pretending to be Bora, but he’s pretending to not know that he knows. So do I call him out on it, or do I pretend to not know that he knows and find out what game he’s playing?”

Games… I mentally slap myself. Jax asked me if my sister and I played games with guys. Shit. Shit. Shit. I should have figured it out then.

“Bo, I’m seriously confused, and this is the most complicated thing you’ve ever done. Start over.”

Ignoring her, I chew on my thumbnail and make a decision. “I’m going to pretend to not know that I know that he knows. Maybe I can figure out what’s going on inside his head.”

“Sure. Sounds good… What?”

Again, I ignore her exasperation.

“What if he thinks I was playing him, so now he’s playing me? The whole flip the switch thing? Or is it bait and switch? I don’t know. You know?”

“I have no fucking clue.”

“Thanks, Shanna. I need to quit hiding in the bathroom before he knows that I know that he knows.”


I hang up, and I take a deep breath while looking myself over in the mirror. I seriously underestimated him, and I should have just come clean from the beginning.

But this could be a golden opportunity…

I’m crazy. Yep. I’m certifiable.

I head out of the room and downstairs just in time to see Jax jogging down the beach. My cup of coffee is waiting by the deck doors, and I take it while going to watch him jog away. I keep watching until he’s out of sight, and I’m almost thankful he went for that run.

My heartbeat probably wouldn’t be normal right now if he hadn’t.

“I was wrong about you.”

Viv’s sudden comment has me squealing, and that normal heartbeat disappears as I drop the coffee over the railing and hear it thud against the sand.

“It’s just not meant for me to have coffee this morning,” I mutter to myself, cursing as I watch it bead against the sand and slowly soak into it.

I don’t even turn back to face Viv. She hasn’t exactly been nice to me since I met her.

She props up on the rail beside me. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Rough morning,” I grumble.

If Jax knows, then his whole family probably knows. There’s no telling what they think of me.

“I thought you were a gold digger. Then found out you were rich,” she says, looking out at the ocean.

“Things aren’t always what they appear to be,” I say with a forced smile.

It’s easy bait, but if she knows about my “twin switch” then she’s good at faking it, because she doesn’t even react to that comment.

“True,” she says instead. “After

I learned of your finances, I decided you were a party girl slut.”