“And if that backfires?”

“Let Dad kick his ass,” she states flippantly.

It wouldn’t be the first time my father has done such a thing, but for some reason, I think Jax could handle himself if he had to.

“I wouldn’t let Dad do that, considering the circumstances. I have been lying to him.”

“Well, regardless, figure it out. I suck at this sort of thing, so I’m going before Dick gets here.”

“Dick? Really?”

She giggles again. “It’s such a bad name, but he pulls it off. Bye.”

She hangs up just as I open my mouth, but I sigh before tossing my phone aside and stripping out of my shirt. Just as I shimmy out of my panties, the door swings open, and Jax walks in.

I freeze, unable to do anything but gape at him in horror as his eyes land on me and widen in surprise. I can’t even get my arms to move to cover up anything, because fear has paralyzed me. Hell, I don’t even think I’m breathing.

He stares at me, I stare at him, and we both remain motionless while staring. All of the sudden, Jax snaps out of it and becomes a clumsy blur of motion.

“Shit!” he gasps, spinning around so fast that he coffee spills everywhere, causing him to curse and do some weird dance as it burns him. “Sorry,” he goes on, disappearing from the doorway as I try to remember how to draw oxygen into my lungs.

I’m blood red, mortified, and still unable to make a move. Finally, the shock wears off, and I dive toward the door, shutting it hard enough to rattle the pictures on the walls.

Why didn’t I lock the door?!

Then, my skin burns a little hotter as I think about what just happened and start pulling on my bikini with jerky movements.

Jax just ran out of here and apologized for seeing me naked. He was coming to bed naked and trying to turn me into a sex toy just a few days ago. It wasn’t until the reunion that he started wearing shorts to bed again…

Groaning, I scrub my face and silently curse.

He didn’t act like it wasn’t a big deal to see his girl naked. His girl he thinks he has slept with. No. He just now acted like a man who saw a girl naked for the first time on accident.

Everything falls into place, including the fact he has never once asked what my sister’s name was since he found out I had a sister. How long has he known? It can’t have been long.

My hands are shaking as I grab my phone from the bed, and I go to the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it as I call Bora back. She answers almost immediately.

“So you miss me already, eh?”

“He knows,” is all I manage to say, and it’s barely a choked whisper.

“What? You already told him?”

“No, Bora. He knows. How could he possibly know?”

“I don’t know. What’d he say?”

“He didn’t have to say anything, but I know he knows and he’s pretending to not know. What do I do?”

“I’m confused, Bo. I gotta go.”

She hangs up, and I glare at the phone like she can see me. Damn her.

I decide to quit glaring at my phone and use it to call someone useful. Shanna picks up on the fourth ring, and she sounds breathless as she answers.

“Bora or Bo?”

“Bo. I have a problem.”