Viv’s right; I sure as fuck don’t deserve her.

Chapter 21


Arms are holding me to a warm body, and my eyes flutter open as sunlight streams in. A slow smile curves my lips when Jax mutters something in his sleep. He talks in his sleep a lot, but it’s not easy to understand any of it.

This morning he’s muttering about balls and needing them, but I have no idea what he’s talking about. He stirs before pulling me a little closer, and I just relax in his arms.

He’s been different since the other night when everyone shared their tales as they always do at those functions. It’s painful to hear so many tales of pain and tragedy, but it’s their way of letting it go and moving forward. The least I can do is listen.

Jax has been less sexual and more… cuddly? I’m not sure how to describe it. All I know is that I like the change.

Small, innocent kisses start being pressed against my shoulder as he rouses from sleep, and I try not to smile like a love-sick teenager in bed with her crush.

“Fuck, I need coffee before I attempt the torture called cardio,” he grumbles against my skin, holding me a little closer. “You?”

“Please,” I say softly.

Lazily, he slowly pulls away from me, and I try not to focus on the pang of disappointment I feel when I lose his touch. With sluggish, somewhat sideways steps, he lumbers out of the bedroom, and I bite back my smile.

My phone rings… Well, Bora’s phone rings. Glancing at the door, I crawl off the bed and grab it from the dresser, tensing when I see “Sister Sister” flash across the screen.

Yeah, it’s a cliché show title to use, but I couldn’t have “Bo” scrolling across the screen if she called me.

“Hey,” I answer quietly, going to shut the door. “What’s up?”

“Long story short, we’re rolling out the fall line earlier than expected so people can start placing orders. You haven’t been checking your emails, which is why I’m calling. Have you done any new designs for the winter line? Deadline is coming up.”

I blow out a breath while staring at the ceiling. I haven’t done an ounce of work in over a week now.

“I have a few designs. I’ll sketch up some new ones soon. We’ve had a busy trip.”

She grows quiet for a second, and I tense, realizing how that sounded. Before I can pull my foot out of my mouth, Bora speaks again.

“Awesome. Actually, that’s great. Jax is definitely more your type than mine. But you still need to come home. We have a lot of work to get ready for.”

I blink a few more times than normal, feeling confused.

“I’m not screwing Jax, Bora. I just meant it was busy here. Dad’s here.”

She bursts out laughing, and I roll my eyes. “Well, I’m really glad I didn’t go now. Dad in a house with Jax’s stuffy bitch of a mom? I bet that’s chaos.”

I start to tell her how it really is, but bite it back when her words finally register.

“You wouldn’t care?”

“About what? You and Jax? Hell no. Why would I?”

“That wouldn’t be… weird?”

She snorts out another laugh. “Don’t be

ridiculous. I knew him for a hot minute, Bo. There was nothing between us. As long as you can leap the hurdle, don’t hold yourself back because of me. Just remember that he’s a guy who wanted no strings the way I did. Don’t try to change him. Guys don’t change.”

Sighing, I sit down on the bed, sobering a little as she deflates my bubble.

“I’m going to stay the remainder of the time, which is officially thirteen more days.”