“Not at all,” he tells me, kissing my hand before guiding me toward everyone just as the sun disappears from sight.

To my surprise, there’s a hell of a lot of people here now, and Jax’s footsteps miss a beat.

“Come on,” I say with a smile. “It really did turn into a reunion night. It’s been a while since I had one of these.”

“It’s what?” he asks, confused, as I start running down the beach and straight into a waiting pair of arms.

Chapter 20


Bo is being hugged by every single person here, and I don’t know anyone.

“What happened?” I ask Viv as I step up beside her.

She swirls her drink in her glass, much like mom does, and then points at nothing in particular.

“All these people came to roast a pig or something and say hi to Mick and Vince. They are some seriously friendly people, too. I think I’ve been hugged by most of them, and I don’t even know them.”

I tense when a guy around my age eyes Bo’s ass, and then I relax when some guy slaps him on the back of the head for it.

“Where’ve you been?” Viv asks.

“Walking. Talking. Thinking. Figuring things out, I think.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“Not really,” I tell her while pulling out my phone and dialing the one person who knows what’s going on.

Kode answers almost immediately.

“I need someone to punch,” he says, bypassing a hello.

“Do I want to know?”

“You might, but I don’t want to talk about it. How goes the twin thing?”

“Um… I think I figured out why Bo came instead of Bora.”

“Bora was going to dump you; Bo was too nice to do it when she found out you had a trip planned; so now she’s there to fulfill her sister’s obligation? Yeah. Hold the applause; I know I’m a fucking genius. And good for you for finally catching up. Should have listened to me.”

“I think she may also be interested in me, asshole. Just not sure how I feel about this situation.”

“I’m the asshole? You were fucking Bora. That makes you an asshole because that’s all she fucks. Well, not literally. At least I don’t think… Did she fuck your asshole—”

“Are you drunk?” I groan, interrupting his ramble.

“Maybe a little,” he admits.

Running a hand through my hair, I blow out a breath. “Dick. You could have told me that before I started confiding.”

I’m an incredibly private person, so actually telling someone something is a big fucking deal. And I pick a drunken prick to confide in.

“Having a shitty day. Get off me.”


p; “What’s going on?”