I’d think this was some sort of sister envy madness where one twin tries to take over the other twin’s life… But Bo doesn’t seem to really want me even when I make it too damn easy for her. Again, nothing makes sense.

She takes a deep breath, and I swear I hear her counting to ten. Finally, she turns to face me.

“Can we just talk a little? We haven’t done much of that.”

Talk. Why does she want to talk? Maybe if she asks questions, I’ll get closer to whatever it is she really wants out of this.

“Sure. Talking sounds great. How about we start with a little joke?”

She flashes a smile at me, and the smartass twin joke I have goes right out the window, because I don’t want that smile to go away. Shit. This is messed up.

“Okay,” she says seriously, expecting a joke now.

I glance up, and an idea strikes.

“What’s worse than one rockstar in a speedo?”

She snickers before rolling her eyes and answering, “Two rockstars in a speedo.”

I laugh with her as Mick and Vince walk down to the beach in front of the massive living room windows.

“I’d like to find the fucker who created the speedo and punch him in the face,” I add, shaking my head when Mick digs out his wedgie.

“I’d like for you to find them as well. But what if it was a girl?”

“Then I’d let you punch her,” I tell her, to which she laughs again.

“You’ll have to teach me how to throw a punch.”

I start to tell her about the fight Bora bragged about, but I decide to cut Bora out of the equation. This is Bo. Whatever Bo is getting out of this may have to do with Bora, but talking about her just feels… Weird. And pretending I’m talking about Bora to Bora instead of Bo is just confusing as fuck.

“I’ll teach you,” I say instead.

She beams up at me with that smile again, and I do something stupid. I kiss her. Yeah. I told myself that wouldn’t happen anymore, but that smile… Damn that smile.

She kisses me back, which seems to be within whatever boundaries she has, and she moans into my mouth as our tongues dance with each other’s. Really shouldn’t be kissing a complete stranger…

A cough comes from behind us, and I break the kiss with shaky breaths and conflicting thoughts as my eyes move to meet my father’s. He’s smiling as he walks over to grab a cup of coffee, and Bo blushes before turning around again and messing with some sandwich bags full of sand.

“What are you doing?” I ask her, watching as she continues on.

“It’s my dream foundation gift. I do it every time I’m here. Same for Dad,” she says absently.

I start to ask what that means, but Helen walks in and interrupts.

“Carmen is stopping by. Jane is really excited. Thought you’d want to know.”

Bo lights up, and a wide grin breaks across her face. “With her husband?” she asks.

“Yes, and the newest member of their family. If they’re coming, everyone will probably show up, which means a lot of non-alcoholic beverages and your father trying to build a fire.”

Bo giggles, and the sound washes over me before she races off. My brow furrows in confusion until I notice Helen watching me.

“Carmen?” I muse.

“A very close friend of the family. You’re going to learn some things tonight, Mr. Marshall. Hope you’re ready for a bonfire.”

That’s a little cryptic, and I swear she’s smirking as she walks off.