I mean, what two-week couple talks periods?

“Really,” Dad says solemnly. “Her sister used to surf with me, too,” Dad adds, but his eyes widen the second the words leave his mouth.

I choke on air, and I slap my chest to dislodge the air bubble that has gotten trapped. Jax’s eyes narrow on me, and his mother’s brow furrows.

“You have a sister?” Jax asks, tilting his head.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Dad, for once, looks apologetic. I want to slap him.

“Yes,” I say quickly.

“Younger or older?” Jax prods, taking a surfboard and propping up on it.

Swallowing down the knot, I finally answer honestly. “She’s younger.”

I don’t say that it’s only by a minute and twenty-two seconds. (Yeah, we flew out of the birth canal. No C-section.)

“Why aren’t there any pictures of her like there are of Bo?” Mrs. Marshall asks.

There are pictures of her, but since she looks like me—

“Because Bo is the prettier one,” Dad jokes, but I groan because no one here will get that joke since they don’t know we’re identical twins.

Dad clears his throat when awkward silence descends, and he motions behind him.

“Surfing. Yeah. Going to go do that now.”

Worst. Vacation. Ever.

Chapter 15


Her period was the last straw. Bora doesn’t have a period. She’s bragged about this numerous times. Something about her birth control shot.

If she doesn’t want me touching her, then just say it. But why act like she can’t tear her eyes off my body, then turn cold the second I want to let her feel any part of it.

My mother screaming this morning was the only thing that stopped us. I thought. Now I wonder if Bo would have iced the heat the second things got good.

None of this is making sense, and that damn tattoo… No way is that fresh. I’ve ha

d enough to know there’s no way in hell that one isn’t long healed, and it’s even slightly faded.

As everyone else laughs and chats on the back terrace for dinner, I head inside to find Viv’s damn phone. Why she can’t get it herself, I don’t know.

It takes a few doors to finally find her room, but I do, and… Holy shit. This is a very bright room. It looks more like Bora than the other room.

Red-orange is on the walls, and deep purples, and forest green… It’s like the prime colors exploded in here. And there are tons of pictures of Bo on the wall. Damn. Her dad really must think she’s the pretty one.

That’s a shitty thing to say when you have two daughters though.

Numerous hairstyles and colors have me lifting an eyebrow. I think she’s had every color imaginable. Even blue.

Just as I grab Viv’s phone and start to walk out, I back up to reexamine a picture that catches my eye. My mouth goes a little dry when I see Bo in a prim and proper business suit with none other than Kode Sterling’s arm draped around her shoulders.

What the fucking Twilight Zone hell?