Chapter 13


“So your girlfriend is the secret daughter of our mother’s favorite rock legend, she owns—freaking OWNS—Pretty Posh, and she apparently doesn’t brag about anything. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a bitch that misjudged her,” Viv states, staring with me at the enigma across the room.

My mother officially loves Bo now. In fact, Bo looks miserable about it, because my mother won’t shut the hell up. Did she just invite her to our next Christmas? It’s April!

“I think you’ll be getting married soon,” Viv points out. “Mom will disown you if you break up with her now. Hope you were as serious as you were pretending to be.”

Fuck my motherfucking life.

“Is it wrong that she’s less sexy now that Mom likes her?” I ask jokingly, trying not to focus on how much Bo’s smile affects me these days. She’s not less sexy. Not even a little bit.

She’s smiling at me right now, and she arches an eyebrow when my mother talks about grandkids. Fucking grandkids.

Usually Bora would be running, because this shit is way too deep to keep standing in.

Grandkids? Fucking really?

“Could you imagine a little Jax with a guitar?!” Mom squeals, clapping happily. “He’d be a star without a doubt.”

Viv smothers a laugh when I cast her a death glare. Bo, to my surprise, just laughs as well.

I guzzle more of my fourth cup of coffee, wondering when the caffeine will wake me up. I have to be fucking dreaming.

But then… coffee sprays from my lips; Mom releases some strangled sound while clutching her heart; Dad’s eyebrows fly up; and Viv’s cup drops and shatters to the ground, as Vince Jaggons struts in… wearing a speedo… and nothing else.

“Holy sweet mother,” Mom whispers in a rasp voice while turning fifteen different shades of red and fanning herself.

Dad glares at Vince, and I… try not to gag. I really don’t feel like seeing Bo’s father’s package on display in such a tight, red speedo.

Bo groans while rolling her eyes. “I’ve sent you board shorts,” she says, eyeing her father. “Numerous times.”

“They don’t show off as much,” Vince says dismissively before flexing. “A body like mine is meant to be shown off.”

“Is it bad that I’m drooling over a man as old as our father?” Viv whispers, her eyes trained on the abs of the man strutting around the house like a damn star.

Well, I guess he is a star. And it is his house. Not like I can comment.

“Gross,” is all I tell her.

“This isn’t the family vacation I had in mind,” Dad grumbles as he walks by us to grab his coffee, then he walks out of the kitchen and abandons us with Mr. Vanity.

“I’m going to head out for a run. See you out there, babygirl,” Vince tells Bo before walking out. The freak actually slaps his own ass, and I swear my mother almost falls out of her chair when she tries to watch him walk away.

“He’s on my ‘cheat’ list,” Mom whispers as she lowers herself back to her seat.

I choke on my latest sip of coffee, and Bo’s nose wrinkles.

“What?” Viv asks.

“My ‘cheat’ list,” Mom repeats, still keeping the same hushed tone. “The list where you write five famous people you would… um… you know… and the other can’t get mad… Your father and I made one about fifteen years ago. Vince is number one on my list…”

Bo tries not to laugh and has to turn away. My stomach roils. I really fucking hope my mother isn’t saying what I think she’s saying.

Bo’s eyes land on me again, and a small blush creeps up her neck as she stares at my chest. I really like the way she keeps looking at me like she’s never seen my body before.

I also really fucking like her bikini, which I couldn’t see until just now, because the table was hiding it with the way she was sitting.