Fortunately, the elderly man in front of us suddenly lifts his leg and rips one. I’m talking about a full-on, nothing-held-back, unstoppable, butt-clapping fart from hell. I never thought I’d be so grateful for an old man fart.

Jaxon chokes on a laugh, releasing me, and thanks to the fart, all thoughts of sexual tension have vanished into the stinky air around us. I pinch my nose and try to breathe through my mouth, praying I don’t taste it. So gross.

As grateful as I am for his shamelessness at the moment, I really hope that guy isn’t on our flight.

Chapter 3


“Wait here, and I’ll go see about our rental car,” Jaxon says as he pats my side.

As soon as he disappears from sight, I grab my phone—well, Bora’s phone—out of my pocket, and dial my phone number again.

We’ve been traveling for a while, including a boat ride to the other side of the “main” island, instead of driving. I start rifling through my purse to search for a mirror. But there’s too much crap in here to find anything.

I managed to sleep—or pretend to sleep—the whole plane ride, because I’m not an actress, so sleeping was the only option. Bora had better get her ass on the first flight she can book and swap places with me.

The boat ride was easier because the man driving us was telling Jaxon all about the local tourist things on the side where we’ll be staying. Jaxon stayed with him while I fought back nausea.

It’s dark but I have no idea what time it is. Considering the time zone differences, the five or six hour flight, then the boat ride, I’m assuming it’s late.

I really am exhausted now.

As Jaxon deals with the rental car agency—which I’m thankful stays open really late—I head into the bathroom to check my face, since my mirror refuses to be found.

I wish I had checked it earlier when I see the ridiculousness that is staring back at me.

Drunk clowns have better makeup than this.

Scattering the contents of my purse, I immediately start trying to get rid of the dead-bride look.

As soon as I finish, I dial Shanna. She can help me find my absentee sister.

“What’s up, Bora?”

“It’s not Bora.”

“Bo? Why are you calling from... Never mind. She made you break up with another one, and now you have to keep her phone for two weeks in case he calls. Got it. When are you going to realize your sister is using and abusing you?” she yells.

Yelling is so annoying.

“Realized it nineteen years ago when the five-year-old version of Bora broke Dad’s guitar and blamed it on me, then begged me not to tell the truth because she was already in trouble for something else. That’s not the issue right now. I need you to find Bora and make her call me right now.”

“O...kay... What has she gotten you into?”

I get my purse reassembled as a woman walks in, and I walk out to finish talking to Shanna. However, Jaxon is walking toward me, which means I have to cut this call short. That smile of his is unnervingly perfect. But I can’t let it distract me.

“Just have her call me. I’m in Hawaii on her vacation. Can’t talk right now.”

I hang up when Shanna starts yelling again. Jaxon wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“Got the SUV paid for. They should be driving it around. I’ll need to buy some tanks and fill them up before we head to the house, because Dad rented some toys for the stay.”

I just nod, scared if I say too much he’ll realize I’m not Bora. My acting skills aren’t up to par with long-term roles. I’m just the breakup girl, damn it.

“You’re starting to worry me, Bora. You never stay this quiet,” he says with a small laugh as he drops down to search through one of his bags.

The act of him leaning over makes me groan inwardly. I wish he had worn something besides a sleeveless shirt. I need to see less of his body. His shorts fit him perfectly, and hang just right. It’s as though he knows exactly how to look desirable and forbidden at once.