His boxers are about as much of a barrier as my skimpy shorts and lacy panties. If he’d slide things to the side, I’d be bare for him. And he could—

A loud scream and a heavy thump, followed by another thump, carries up the stairs through the open freaking door we’re grinding in front of.

Jax curses before leaping off me and stumbling around for his shorts. Flustered and feeling like an absolute madwoman, I slip out of the room with hurried steps.

I don’t know why Mrs. Marshall is screaming, but I want to hug the rude, dramatic woman right now. I seriously think I almost just had sex with Jax.

Why did he have to mess with me before coffee? I can’t think before coffee. It’s practically wrong to mess with me before caffeine sets in.

Not that he knows that.

Groaning and cursing myself inwardly, I try to shake off the lingering feel of his scorching, hungry touch.

All that residual lust I can’t shake off is gone in an instant when I walk into the living room and see… my father.

Jax skids to a halt beside me, and his eyes drop to the floor where his mother has apparently fainted. Dad is eyeing the out-cold Mrs. Marshall curiously before his gaze rises and connects with mine.

A grin breaks across his face, and he points at the motionless woman’s body on the floor.

“Should probably do something about that,” he says carelessly before stepping over her.

Jaxon Marshall Sr. walks in, and he stumbles over his own two feet when he sees his wife and my father. Then he rolls his eyes and walks back out. I bite back a grin as Jax goes to scoop his mother up and gently place her on the couch.

Dad comes and wraps both arms around me in a bear-hug, as people carry in his bags.

“There’s my babygirl,” he says before kissing my forehead.

Groaning, I pull back and narrow my eyes on him.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss.

He grins that smartass grin of his, and my eyes turn into angry slits, because I know why he’s here.

“Miss a show like this? No. I want to watch how this plays out. Has to be more interesting than watching paint dry in my new house.”

His cheeky grin and humor-flaked eyes mock me, and I flip him off before Jax walks back over, suddenly seeming nervous. I guess meeting the parents is a bigger deal than he accredited it, now that the shoe is on the other foot.

My lips twitch when he crosses his arms over his chest, then uncrosses them, then crosses them again. Jax being nervous… Yeah, it’s definitely cute.

“Mr. Jaggons,” he says in a shaky breath. “Nice surprise. Thank you for letting us stay here.”

Dad glances back at me, smiling like he’s enjoying this too much. It’s a rare occasion he ever meets a guy one of us dates, considering we keep our secrets very carefully. I still can’t believe I’m exposing myself like this to a guy I know I can’t be with.

It’s reckless.

It’s stupid.


“You’re supposed to shake my hand, and you’re supposed to look a man in the eye if you’re walking around shirtless in his home and fucking his daughter,” Dad says with mock authority.


Jax stutters for a second, before locking eyes with Dad, and he thrusts his hand out so fast that it almost hits my father in the groin.

Dad grunts and takes a step back, narrowly dodging a small catastrophe, and Jax’s eyes widen. Is he blushing? He’s totally blushing!

I grin, because I just can’t help myself, and Dad tilts his head.