She grabs a pair of clothes from a drawer, and I shimmy out of my shorts to my boxers. I still smell like smoke, and so does she, but now I’m too tired to even think about showering.

Apparently she is too, because she emerges from the bathroom in a set of slinky, but adorable pajamas. Are those ladybugs on her pajamas?

I don’t fucking know her at all.

“How do you go from sex kitten to adorable in the span of a day?” I ask her around another hellacious yawn.

She freezes for a second, but then she climbs into bed, leaving enough distance between us to fit a linebacker in the middle. At least there isn’t a pillow barrier this time.

Cocking an eyebrow, I slide over and slip my arms around her.

I’m too tired for sex, but for some reason, I really want to hold her. Maybe it’s the adrenaline wearing off, or the fact she could have died… That would have been my fucking fault.

I invited her on this trip for the sake of pissing off my mother, because I’m apparently a juvenile rebel. I invited her even though I plan to ditch her the second we’re back home. I invited her even though I have zero interest of getting to know her better. Hell, ou

tside of the bedroom and apart from today… er, yesterday and today, I don’t even like her.

If she’d died tonight…

A shudder wracks my body, and Bo melts against me, slowly losing her rigid posture in my arms as she relaxes. I press a kiss to her shoulder, and she slips a leg between mine.

It’s like she can’t get close enough, and I’ll be damned if I almost don’t feel the same way.

True story? One thing I’ve always liked about Bora is the fact she doesn’t cuddle. Doesn’t even like to cuddle. Because neither do I, other than some post sex shit. Even that has to be brief, because I just feel smothered when someone is all wrapped around me.

First we cuddled on the couch on that damned roof, and it felt more natural than anything in the world. Now… Now my eyes are slowly drifting shut, and Bo couldn’t feel more right in my arms.

I’ll blame it on the disorienting day and fucking fire. Tomorrow… Tomorrow things will be normal.

Chapter 12


Normally I wake up a little pissed off. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a morning person. After the mess yesterday/this morning was… you’d think I’d be a frazzled mess or royally pissed.

But I’m not.

Nope, I’m grinning like a fool, and I’m fairly sure I giggle when I wake up to a wet, hot kiss on the back of my neck. Then I feel something really large and hard poking me in the back, and my eyes widen in horror as I remember who is nestled in behind me.

My gaze darts to the clock as Jax’s hand slowly slides down my body, teasing me with his touch. One? In the afternoon?

A moan escapes me, and my eyes flutter closed again when his hand gropes a breast, and my back arches against him when he toys with my nipple. His lips… I love his lips. And I also love the way they’re kissing trails across the back of my neck.

“Fucking dying here, baby,” he hisses when that hard monster behind me digs into my ass a little through my pajamas.

My heartbeat thuds in my ears as I desperately try to think of something—anything—to defuse this situation. When his hand slides down and dips inside my shorts, I don’t even make an attempt to stop him.

He brushes against the forbidden lands—don’t judge my wording—and I whimper. Yep. I’m a freaking whimperer these days. Don’t even care if that’s not a real word.

He slides my leg open, and I continue to let him, and his hand slowly massages its way back up my thigh. A breath hisses between his teeth just as I whimper louder, because… He’s touching me. His finger…

My hips buck, and he grips my hip with his free hand, holding me against him as his finger slips inside me.

“Fuck,” he growls. “So wet.”

He flips me over, and every vain thought of morning breath, messy hair, and no makeup flees from my mind when his lips crush mine and his weight comes down on me.

He grinds against me, giving me pressure and friction that feels so good I almost embarrass myself by coming. Unbelievable.