The fire department has arrived, and Helen is talking to them, along with Jax’s father.

“That man won’t ever admit he loves her. Maybe this will remind him how mortal he is and how short life is.”

“Maybe,” I say with a grin, wondering if Helen is living in as much denial as Uncle Mick.

“Did you call Jonah?”

“I did. He and someone else will be here soon to pick us up. I also messaged Emily. She’s supposed to be sending some clothes for everyone. The island warehouse isn’t too far from here.”

“Dressing them in Pretty Posh, eh? That’s my girl. Show those snobs who’s boss.”

I laugh while shaking my head, and Jax eyes me with more curiosity. I’m sure he’s dying for me to get off the phone so he can play twenty questions.

“How’d you know?”

“That they’re snobs who think my girl is broke and digging for gold? Because I’m fucking psychic like that. And… Mick sent me a text. Said Helen overheard them. Bora lives cheap. That doesn’t mean she needs a rich man to support her. Fools. And you shouldn’t be there dealing with her mess. She’s a grown woman, Bo. She’s twenty-four and perfectly capable of breaking up with men by now.”

I’m so glad my phone is too low for Jax to overhear this conversation. I shouldn’t have let this conversation veer the way it has.

“Well, I should go,” I mumble, not wanting to discuss this right now.

“Fine. I assume he’s standing nearby.”


He mutters something about kicking Bora’s ass later, and I grin. He always makes idle threats, but he’s wrapped around her finger. She’s a lot like him, and deep down he knows it.

“Call me later. Let me know if you need anything. And don’t you dare let those people be rude to you in your home.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” I say dryly, dreading the reaction they’ll have when they realize they’re in Vince Jaggons’s home.

“Alright. Love you, babygirl. Talk to you later.”

“Night, Daddy.”

I hang up, and just as I feared, Jax hits me with an onslaught of rapid-fire questions.

“So it’s your dad’s house, not yours? And what does he do? Why didn’t you tell me you have money? Or is it a small place or something? Bora, I’m so confused right now. And why does it seem like you know Helen?”

“First of all... Bo. Call me Bo, or I won’t answer. Secondly, my dad refuses to title anything as his. He feels like his possessions belong to me as much as they do him. Just as I feel what I have is just as much his. It’s how I was raised, and it made me closer to both of my parents, considering Mom is the same way. And as for the rest, well, you’ll see when you get there. And when did I say I didn’t have money?”

He raises a brow, but decides not to comment the way I’m sure he wants to. “You know this suspense is killing me. I feel as though you’re toying with me on some level.”

“Maybe I am,” I say mildly, winking at him as he stands there with question marks figuratively floating all around him.

For one brief second, I feel powerful. Two hours from now, I’ll regret exposing my secret to a man I barely know while I’m pretending to be my sister after I couldn’t break up with him for her.

What am I thinking?

This is going to be a disaster.

Chapter 11


“Why did she ride with the housekeeper?” my mother asks, still leery of Bo’s surprise house as we follow behind the first car.

Two freaking vehicles showed up. One was a car and one was a SUV… which is what we’re in. Bo has that sort of power?