Bo was pissed at me for wanting to climb a fiery house to save her life, because it would have put me at risk. She didn’t even really know me then. That seems like years ago.

She’s the kind of girl who saves people from a life on the streets… offers them a real life. Because she’s a hero like that, even though she never tells a soul about all her amazing secrets. But she trusted me with every secret she has, and I took it all for granted, not understanding how much of a gift she was giving me with that trust.

She’s the kind of girl who wants to know about me instead of just exploring my body. She’s also the only person I’ve ever felt like I could tell anything and not regret it. The kind of person I can talk to for hours, when I’m not even usually a fan of talking.

She cared about me.

And I crushed her with one simple action; a stupid decision made in a moment of anger when all I could do was think about myself. I thought she lied to me, and I didn’t even give her the courtesy of explaining herself.

Nope. I charged in and accused her of being a shitty person, humiliated her in her own office, then walked out like I didn’t just cut my own chest open. I left her broken. And alone.

It’s true what they say: We always hurt the ones we care about the most.

Bo talked about that bond she wanted, and we had it. I was too busy thinking it couldn’t happen so fast to acknowledge the fact I fucking love her.

Until I saw her fall apart and it felt like som

eone gutted me. I realized it then. I also realized I have to up my game if I’m going to get her back. Flowers and sidewalk stalking isn’t going to cut it.

I type out a quick message to Corbin, hoping he of all people will understand and help me out.

ME: Get something together at your house and make sure Bo is there. I’m about to become the king of groveling.

It’s ten minutes before the fucker messages me back.

CORBIN: Bo doesn’t do group things.

ME: I know. Just figure out a way to make it work. Maybe if I humiliate myself in front of a lot of people, it’ll make her realize how sorry I am. Desperate times…

CORBIN: No promises. I’ll try.

Thirty minutes later, he tells me he’s got a small hangout night planned in two days. He still doesn’t think Bo will show, but I have to at least hope she will.

Chapter 46



I spin around at the sound of a girl calling my name, and tilt my head as a smiling face meets mine. She walks toward me, smiling the entire time. A round belly draws my attention down. My eyes flick back up, and it clicks who she is.

“Ash. Hey. I’ve been meaning to call you,” I tell her, hoping against all odds she hasn’t heard about Jax and me.

She beams at me while resting a hand on her belly like it’s a natural reaction. Ash is one of the few new people I met and immediately liked. I met her on one spontaneous trip when Ruby came to see Corbin and I tagged along.

That trip cemented my stand on moving HQ for Pretty Posh here. Especially since we needed a new location. Fortunately, no one argued. Bora and Shanna completely agreed. Sterling Shore is the new Manhattan, without being overly crowded and full of skyscrapers.

Ash is a lot like me, only she eventually does stand up to people. It’s why we clicked immediately, and why she made an impression on such a short two-day trip.

Kindred spirits and all that.

“I’ve been hoping to run into you, since you and Ruby are so close. Are you going over there tonight?” she asks.

Even pregnant, this girl is insanely beautiful. She’s one of those girls you’d hate if she wasn’t so nice because it’s just not fair.

“Yes. You?”

“Damn. I wish. Tag is worried I’ve been overdoing things with my current state,” she says, pointing at her protruding belly. “He’s gotten a little overly concerned, so I’m remanded to the house as much as possible until the baby is born. I just finished picking out a new crib.”