“Is everything okay?” I ask him.

Immediately the shutters go down on his eyes, and he frowns when he sees my eyes dart toward the flaccid proof of disinterest again.

“This… Ruby,” he grumbles, sitting up as though he’s unable to continue speaking as he grabs his jeans from the floor.

No. Not again, damn it.

“What’s going on?” I ask, barely biting back my fury.

“I wish I could make this happen, babe, but I can’t. You’re my best friend, and no matter how hard I try, that’s the only way I can see you.”

His voice is cold, which isn’t like Corbin. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but it’s still pissing me off.

“What are you saying?”

He takes a deep breath. “I’m saying we only work as friends. This is the third attempt we’ve made at dating, and it just doesn’t work. I can’t see you as anything other than the little girl I used play on the swings with.”

Yeah… That hurts like a motherfucker.

“I’m sick of this,” I say while grabbing my discarded shirt and pulling it on. “This is the last time, Corbin. If you end this, then never try starting it again. You’re the one who has pushed for more all three times.”

He drops his head, guilt seeming to weigh it down as he blows out a long, frustrated breath and runs a hand through his hair.

“I know... I’m sorry. I just… I kept thinking… I don’t know.”

Rolling my eyes, I go back to my bed as he finishes dressing. I refuse to feel my heart breaking. He’ll keep apologizing, and I’ll end up feeling guilty for crying. I’ll save my tears for when he’s not around.

I’m. So. Stupid… Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! I knew better.

“You can sleep on the couch, obviously. That’s where friends sleep.”

He groans while still averting eye contact.

“I’m leaving in the morning. I… need to get back.”

He was supposed to stay for all of Spring Break. That’s why I stayed at school instead of going home. Once again, our friendship is about to be tested, and I won’t lie and say it’ll be easy to keep seeing Corbin.

He walks out, his steps hesitant. I even hear him pacing back and forth in the hallway as though he’s unsure of what to do. But finally, his steps move toward the living room of my small apartment, and I fight back the tears.

I wish I could just cut him out of my life. Especially since now I know the only place I fit into his is through friendship.



Corbin left, just as he promised. He apparently came and retrieved all his things this morning while I was still sleeping. He didn’t even bother saying anything before he crept out like a coward. All I got was a generic apology note.

“You look like you swallowed something sour,” Bo—my friend—says.

I shrug her off, deciding to keep quiet about what’s going on. I don’t feel like partying after the cold breakup I just endured last night, but she was relentless about coming. Since she never likes going out, I know she only pushed this because she loves me and wants me to cheer up.

“I’m fine,” I lie when she persists with her line of questioning.

She drops her inquiry when we reach the loud, obnoxious frat party that has gotten way too wild much too early. People are already passed out in the yard; toilet paper has been thrown through the few trees in the small yard; red Solo cups are littering the green lawn… Essentially, it looks like every frat party I’ve gone to in the past two years.

Nineteen and already bored with parties… That’s so sad.

After twenty minutes of shoving through sweaty bodies and roaming hands, I get tired of all the fun. I glance down at my phone, wondering if Corbin has called.


Not surprising. He’ll give me a few days to calm down, and then he’ll call to charm me back into not hating him. That’s not too hard, since it’s impossible for me to hate him.

After another ass-grab from some random hand, I pull open a door to escape the drunken idiots. I barely manage to squeeze through the small crack, since it opens toward the party and there are way too many people blocking it from opening fully.

It instantly shuts behind me, as though someone just fell against it. Sheesh. I’m glad I didn’t just get crushed.

Sounds catch my attention, drawing me in. I squint against the darkness until I see a naked ass moving rapidly and roughly. A body is driving into the cradle of a wide-spread set of thighs.

“Yes!” the girl yells, panting as the word releases.

I quickly turn to leave, realizing now what I’m witnessing, but the door won’t budge. A girl cries out, a guy growls, and I struggle very hard to open the damn door without making a sound.