“So you get to tell people, but he doesn’t?”

I give her an incredulous look. “I guarantee you he told the other four Sterlings the next day.”

“Do you two know what a secret is? I’m starting to wonder what the point is in your triple dare game, because I doubt there are really in secrets in those secret boxes.”

I shrug a shoulder as a small grin spreads. “I don’t want his mother knowing. And I don’t want it publically announced. Besides, those boxes have items in there as well. I’ve put in things I’ve stolen from him along the years. Just like he’s put in things he’s stolen from me along the years. Small things—things we might not even realize have been missing.”

“Time capsules?”

After thinking about it, I nod. “Sort of. Pictures also—pictures of some of the most embarrassing triple dares.”

Her eyes spark with intrigue as I glance at the clock. “I need to get ready. Since Krysta’s off to school again, I need to get back to work, even though I’m supposed to have another week off.”

Idle hands and I do not get along.

After finishing my coffee and watching Bo leave for her own day job, I head to take a shower.

Just as I finish washing the shampoo out, hands are suddenly sliding around my waist, and I freaking scream! And try to remember my Bruce Lee moves.

“Whoa!” Corbin’s voice echoes in the shower, just as my elbow slings up. He catches it before it collides with his nose, and I look at him over my shoulder as the bastard winks at me.

“You scared the hell out of me!” I say on a shaky breath, slowly turning to…

What was I saying?

My mind goes a little fuzzy when I take in every naked inch of his front, and I start worrying the water is hotter than I thought, because I swear I’m running a fever now. Corbin… wet… naked… Some things are just too sexy for words.

“I’ve missed you,” he says, forcing my chin up with his fingers until I’m staring into his very amused eyes.

My legs almost collapse, and I don’t know if it’s because of him or because of his terrifying entrance that still has my heart pounding in my ears. When his lips collide with mine in a hungry kiss, my legs actually do collapse, forcing him to hold me up.

He grins against my lips, and I feel the sudden urge to slap him for enjoying the effect he has on me.

“I’m clean,” he tells me, and I tilt my head while pulling back.

“Then why are you in my shower?”

He laughs like he’s caught off guard, and I cock a confused eyebrow.

“I meant I’m clean; as in nothing you can catch is going on with me. I’ve been meaning to tell you that in person, but this fucking week has been a nightmare, and I got sick of waiting.”

I’m still confused for a second, but my Corbin-makes-me-stupid brain finally starts working again.

“Oh,” I say, understanding his words, but uncertain as to why he’s bringing it up. Then it dawns on me, and my eyes dart up to meet his. “Ohhh.”

He smirks, and I panic a little. “I’ve never… without a condom…”

Corbin-makes-me-stupid brain is apparently back in action.

“Neither have I.” He nibbles my bottom lip, and everything south gets a little hotter.

Maybe I should cut the hot water off and let the cold water splash down for a while.

“Shower sex?” he asks, grinning bigger.

My eyes slowly rake down his chest, moving between us as I take an unsteady step back. He’s definitely ready for shower sex, and those four, round beads are certainly tempting me to do stupid things.

Birth control for nine years… I should be good.

I nod emphatically, suddenly feeling like a kid at Christmas. His grin spreads, and he goes from looking like a cocky jackass to a boy with a new toy.

Giggling… Yeah, I hate that I seem to keep doing that around him, but I’m sixteen all over again with Corbin finally against me.

He kisses me hard while picking me up, and every nerve in my body starts sizzling with excitement. Just as he twists to push me against the wall… we fall. Hard. I’m talking wake-up-the-dead-and-scare-them-back-into-the-grave hard.

“Motherfucker!” Corbin roars as I land on top of him, and my knee… Oh no.

“I’m so sorry,” I rush to tell him, quickly moving my knee off his poor balls, and he groans as I start laughing. Then I start choking when I try to smother the laugh.

He tries to glare at me, but he’s in so much pain while cupping his groin that it looks like he’s making a face someone would use to make a baby laugh.

That only makes it harder to hold back my laughter.

After managing to stand back up, I bend over to help him up. Just as he grabs my hand, I lose my balance and fall on top of him again. This time, my elbow collides with his noise.