I contemplate giving him the silent treatment, but that just means he’ll keep talking until he drives me out of my mind. I could end up saying something I regret or divulge too much if I let him push me that far.

So… I decide to cede just a little bit.

“She’s still pissed. She just calmed down because of the Ruby Red story, but she crept out when I wasn’t looking. I’ve called her twice this morning. No answer. I’m back in the doghouse.”

He grins triumphantly, even though I didn’t give him much. Works for me.

“She’s coming to the house tonight,” he tells me, still grinning as I stand up and he takes my spot.

As he lies back, I glare down at him.

“Why?” I ask, even though I know he’s baiting me. I just don’t know what he’s baiting me for.

“Rain is trying to plan a surprise party for Carrie’s belated Welcome-To-The-Family party, and she’s doing all the meetings at my house. She asked Ruby to help her out with some design things, since your girl is an artist, after all.”

I wish she was still mine. Fucking stupid teenage me.

Ever want to write a letter to your past self and tell them not to epically fuck something up? Yeah…

“What I wouldn’t do for one of those damn mailboxes,” I mutter.

“What?” Maverick asks, either not getting the movie reference or not understanding me.

“Nothing,” I grumble, halfway paying attention as I keep my hands within reach of the bar in case he struggles.

“You could swing by, you know?” he asks, smirking even as he strains to continue the pace he’s set.

“And what? Look like a stalker? No thanks. I’ll swing by her place later and try to talk to her. I’ll just—”

“Yeah, because that makes you look like less of a stalker,” he interrupts.

Does he not realize I can strangle him with very little effort right now?

“She’s easier to deal with one-on-one,” I add.

“So that’s why you’ve kept it a secret when she comes into town? Or kept her away from us when we knew she was in town? Or why you made up excuses to never take us with you when you went to visit? We’ve barely gotten to see her over the years because of your one-on-one time.”

I know he’s goading, and it’s fucking working.

Just as I turn to walk away—before I erupt and say something I know will be cruel—I hear the clink of the metal hitting metal, proving he’s done, and I turn back around.

“Sorry. Look, I realize this is a touchy subject for you, but at some point, you have to tell someone what’s going on. Who better than me?” he asks, trying to look serious even though I see the excitement in his eyes.

This mystery has been driving him crazy for decades. Like I’d ever tell him.

“Ready for our session?”

Jax’s voice is welcome, and I turn to crack my knuckles as I walk over to him.


He fights to cover a smile, because he knows I want payback. Damn good thing he knows how to defend himself, because I need to let off some steam.



“I knew you’d show up,” Maverick says with a shit-eating grin as he lets me inside his house.

We walk toward the living room, and I perch against the doorway while he pours himself a drink from the minibar.

I sure as hell don’t tell him Ruby hasn’t been home today, so I had no choice but to come here.

Christ. I really am a stalker.

When did I sink so low?

Ruby coming back to town really will be my undoing.

“Where is she?” I ask, not even bothering to be subtle right now, considering it’s pointless.

“Kitchen with—”

“Corbin Fucking Sterling and Maverick OMG Sterling,” a familiar voice says, and I turn just as Bella walks into view, smiling at me.

The newest member of our group has quickly become one of our favorites, especially since she has zero interest in any of us as more than just friends.

“Banana girl!” Maverick says, which prompts her to roll her eyes. “I didn’t know you were here.”

I can’t help but start laughing, and she flips us both off, shaking her head.

“Just got here.”

“Why did you add an OMG to my name?” Maverick asks, leaning against the wall as he taunts her with the same smile he taunts me with.

“Felt sorry for you, since Corbin has an awesome middle name and you don’t,” she quips.

She’s definitely one of my new faves.

He laughs as I toss my arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward the kitchen. Am I about to use her a little? Yes. Yes, I am.

Bella is definitely a pretty girl, and Ruby hasn’t seen her yet. As long as she doesn’t hear her name, she won’t have a clue.

Am I a juvenile loser for doing this? Fuck if I care.

Bella chats about the hospital as we head into the kitchen, and I try to keep up, but I’m distracted with preparing for Ruby’s reaction. I love our games…