When Kade shuts the trunk, he surprises me by walking over to open my door.

"Come on," he urges impatiently.

The girls stare at us... Well, they stare at him. I get in, still dumbfounded by his one redeeming act of the day. Once my legs are safely tucked inside, he shuts the door, gives the swooning girls a wink, and then glides to his side of the car. Great. He even walks sexy. I wish I was still blinded by my fury enough to have not noticed that. He had to go and help me out of my corset and then open the door for me.

Silently, I start remembering all the reasons I've hated him over the past few months. Sleep deprivation. He's caused me to struggle many times on a test because of his obnoxious partying. I focus on that instead of the two acts of kindness.

"When's your next doctor's appointment?" he asks, surprising me again when he starts down the road.

"Um... I don't think there's going to be one. Since it was just some heavy bruising."

I don't know why I suddenly feel nervous. Damn it. I need my fury back. Do something bastard-like!

"What?" He seems ill, almost as if he's shocked my bruises don't need a follow-up appointment.

"Like I said, no major injuries. No need for a second visit."

He grips the steering wheel as his jaw clenches together. Then he turns on the road that will lead us back to his home. I really wish Mr. Colton hadn't made me shake his hand on that second deal. It's as if he knew I was loyal to my word. I should have held out for Kade's counter offer. I'd already be out of this awkwardness.

Fortunately for me, he never says anything else. Instead, he hops out of the car, seeming angry for reasons unbeknownst to me. I struggle between my two options - keep my mouth shut or ask him what's wrong. I keep my mouth shut.

Carrying all my bags at once, he heads into the house, leaving me outside with all the uncertainty of what just happened. Hot and cold. I like him pissing me off. It's easy to hate the rich jerk when he's actually being a jerk.

Chapter 3

A Little Too Close

I've spent a week in Kade's home. Despite the fact we live in the same house, we barely run into each other. And when we do, he always makes a hasty exit, avoiding me like I've got some infectious disease. He hasn't had any raging parties. Of course I'm sure that has something to do with the fact he'd have to ask for my permission - due to his punishment - and he won't do that.

Just as I reach the main building, I see him. I never see him at school.

He takes a drag off a cigarette while getting flogged by the numerous eager followers who seem to worship his every word. I hear gushing about a new party as people beg for some excitement.

This college was supposed to be different. It's Ivy League, but it's newer, and even though it's not far from the beach, this area is rather dull. I expected all the rich brats to be at Harvard or Yale, where their alumni parents went. They weren't supposed to be here.

This is the whole reason I chose this place. Out of all the scholarship offers I had, this was the most promising, and it's close to my father. I expected more people like

me - people who value education over pedigree and partying rights. I was wrong.

This is just as bad as any other preppy choice I could have made. Most of them want to start their own legacy, and there are a lot of rebels who feel like coming here was a way to stand up to their parents. Just what I need.

"Nice clothes, Princess," a guy says as he sidles up beside me. "I take it Kade's daddy is making you his project or his toy. Which is it?"

My cheeks flame. This isn't the first time I've endured these remarks this week. I've been accused of screwing Kade's father so many times that I don't ever think I can face the man again. The ones not referring to me as a mistress are calling me a charity case.

Kade glances up just as I start in, and he flicks his cigarette to the ground before casting his eyes toward the guy heckling me.

"Joseph," Kade calls, seeming bored as he walks over to my harasser. Figures he knows him. He's probably the one feeding them this bullshit.

The guy chuckles and jogs toward Kade, leaving me to the next attacker, whenever they come. I'm sure it won't take long.

My head is still reeling from calculus when I step out of class, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. During class, several snickering fools called me a few choice names. The professor finally had to put a stop to it. I need to call Mr. Colton and tell him this arrangement won't work. I also need to go buy cheap clothes.

Tears have been on the edge of my lids all day, but I've been refusing to let them fall. I won't let these assholes see me cry. They might be rich and cruel, but I was raised too stubborn to crumble. I'd already acquired a few extra layers of skin back home, where the trailer park girl wasn't exactly popular at school. This isn't anything new. There are just more people here to torture me.

"Hey," a velvety voice says as feet thud behind me.

I ignore the familiar sound. I can't let him see the glistening specks in my eyes. The tears aren't falling, but they're there.