Good, I scoff inwardly. I almost roll my eyes. It's not good; it's divine. No mortal should ever have something so smooth, fresh, and completely delicious.

"I think I'm hooked."


Three months later…

"I'll only be a second," I groan, but I'm unable to stifle my girly grin when Kade pulls me back for another kiss.

"Can't you just quit over the phone?" he pleads, pulling me closer.

"No. Dane has been so good to me," I mutter against his lips.

He snorts as he pulls back. "He better not have been too good."

I roll my eyes whi

le letting my lips trail over his neck. "I think he's gay."

He bursts out laughing, and I tilt my head to the side to question that little outburst.

"Dane Sterling?" he chuckles out. "Gay? That's like saying Tag Masters is gay. Dane is just more discreet in his affairs. Believe me. I know. He used to be best friends with my cousin up until he most likely screwed her and then screwed her over."

I frown. "Well, he's never said anything out of the way to me, and I should be a big girl and quit face-to-face. Unless you'd rather find someone else to help you out."

"Uh-uh. You're not getting out of this. You are incredible at selling wine, and I don't want to be away from you. It'll be hard enough to deal with you at college. Now go quit."

I chuckle and kiss him once more before I head inside. Dane is talking to one of the new waitresses who is almost dissolving in front of his eyes.

"Dane?" I murmur sweetly, drawing his attention.

"Raya. It's your day off," he says, confused, dismissing the girl who almost expires.

"I sort of need to talk to you," I mutter uneasily. Maybe I should have been a coward and done this over the phone.

"You mean you came to tell me you quit," he says evenly, but a smile creeps up when my eyes widen. "I assumed Kade would haul you off. You sure that's really what you want?"

He props against the bar while he studies me, as if he expects me to beg for his help to escape. He really doesn't have a lot of relationship experience - not good relationship experience anyhow.

"Positive. I love him, and he's paying me double," I say with a wink, which prompts him to roll his eyes.

"Very well, be careful. I assume the two of you are on your way to his family thing."

I cringe. I really hope it gets off to a better start than my family cookout. I should have known better than to take my rich boyfriend around a bunch of heathen cons.


He laughs when he sees my dread, and then he turns to walk away. "Don't worry, Raya. Paul makes them behave."

I'm not really all that worried. I've met most of his family, so it's not like I won't know anyone.

I rush back outside, and Kade sweeps me in his arms before offering me a sweet kiss I'd love to turn into more.

"Behave," he mumbles, even though his body protests.

"You don't mean that," I tease, making him laugh.

He opens my door for me, and he quickly takes his seat behind the wheel before driving us toward his family's house. Of course... it takes a little longer to get there than we originally expected.