His unkempt, ravenous strokes start pushing me forth, making me reach for that peak he loves to push me over. I kiss him almost desperately, not caring how loud I get as he owns my body with his. He pulls back just enough each time to slam back into me, pushing me against the wall each time with a thump.

I claw at his shoulders when I feel the tightening in my stomach. My legs reflexively clench tighter to his waist, telling him I'm close, and he growls low in his throat as his motions quicken. A pathetic whimper comes out before my ungodly scream that doesn't even sound like me, and Kade surges in hard one last time as we both fall over that glorious edge.

He pulls me away from the wall as we attempt to kiss, but we have to give up on that endeavor when our need for oxygen wins out. Instead, he presses his forehead against mine as we both form a panting melody.

He crashes to the bed with me still in his arms, and he pulls me to him as he cradles my body against his. "I'm glad your dad left," he chuckles out before kissing my forehead.

I smile for so many reasons, not just what he said, and I snuggle as close to him as I can get.

"Me too."

"I meant it, Raya. I love you. I'm sorry I didn't say it the second you told me. I was... scared. That doesn't mean I didn't feel it. Christ, I felt it. I was... well, an idiot."

My grin only grows as I start kissing along the side of his neck.

"I love you," I murmur softly, pushing my leg over his waist.

"Then we have a lot of making up left to do," he says with a salacious grin before his lips claim mine. "But, first things first," he adds while drawing back.

He jumps up, pulls on his boxers, and before I can even register his actions, he's jogging down my stairs. I hear the door open and close, and I sit up, pulling the sheet over my bare body. What's he doing?

After a few seconds, I hear the car door shut and then the front door opens and shuts again before I hear the sound of his feet start rushing back toward me.

When my door opens, he's wearing a smile and carrying a crate. My crate. My wine crate.

"I left that on purpose," I murmur softly. "It should stay in your family."

He shakes his head as he opens the top, and I look over to see two bottles packed very safely inside.

"Raya, Granddad thought you were family. I'm sure he still does. This is yours. He'd kick my ass if I kept it."

I almost smile at that thought. It'd be nice if Thomas could wake up and kick his ass.

"This one is mine. And I've been saving it for a very special day."

My eyes widen when he pulls out two wine glasses from the same crate. I almost gasp when he pulls out a corkscrew. He can't... no.

"Kade, don't be ridiculous. I can't drink that wine, and you can't-"

Before I know what's going on, he's already pulled out the cork, making it too late.

"Have you lost your mind? What are you doing?" I gush.

"Putting away the corkscrew," he says while tossing the pigtail looking tool into the crate. Smartass. "Now I'm pouring our wine."

His eyes glisten with a teasing hue as he pours the first glass.

"Kade, this wine-"

"Was meant for something special. I happen to think telling a girl I love her for the first time in my life is pretty monumental. So, you'll drink my wine with me and you'll enjoy every sip."

Tears fill up in my eyes. Him doing this... it says more than the words. I know how special that bottle of wine is to him, and it almost leaves me a mushy puddle at his feet.

He hands me mine, and he clanks the side of my glass with his before kissing me softly. I almost lick my lips in anticipation as the first drop of the wine graces my mouth, and an involuntary moan comes out when I fall in love with a damn drink.

I'm not sure when my eyes closed, but when I open them, Kade is smiling, staring at me.

"Is it good?" he asks, leaning over to kiss my shoulder.