My finger hovers over the two options I have, but I wisely select ignore. My heart settles heavily in my chest, exhausted from holding its pieces together.

I've heard there's a reason for everything that happens in life. I've been searching for a reason for all this pain and madness. Why would I fall so hard for a man I can never have? But here it is. This is why Kade and I met. I was meant to do this. Otherwise he would have possibly lost everything. It's not closure, and it doesn't help alleviate the ache I feel, but it's nice to know that it wasn't for nothing. Maybe that'll be good enough to help me move forward... one day. Today's not that day.

Chapter 18

Running and Hiding

"Raya," Dane Sterling, the club owner, says from behind me.

"Yes, sir?" I ask, turning around to face the man the women in here drool over.

He's only twenty-something, but he owns a ton of Sterling Shore. Which makes sense, considering he's related to the Sterlings - the ones who founded the city. Oddly enough, he never seems to pay attention to all the women who adore him. He's a lot like Kade - too busy with the future, I suppose.

"There are at least fifteen dozen roses for you at the front door. You have to talk to the guy before he fills my club up."

My heart breaks a little. Since Brody returned the vineyard to him two weeks, Kade has been doing his best to thank me. He's called nonstop, hounded Ember for my address, and tried his best to catch me outside my classes. Sadly, I've managed to start sneaking out windows at school. Ember has refused to hand over my address. But he managed to find out where I work, and he stalks me here more than anywhere else.

I always hide, the other girls lie and t

ell him I'm not here, and I work around it. I even have the bouncer looking out for his car... or cars, rather. But that doesn't stop him from sending heaps of flowers.

"Sorry, Mr. Sterling, but I really can't."

"Dane, Raya. It's Dane. I feel ninety when you call me Mr. Sterling. I'm not that much older than you. And you have to do something. Otherwise, I'm going to have to kick his ass at some point."

The playfulness in his tone lets me know he's kidding, and I sigh out heavily. He forces a sympathetic smile.

"I know Kade and his family. Do you want me to go talk to him? This really isn't like him. I've never seen him obsess over anyone."

I let an exhausted laugh free. He's so far off base.

"He's not obsessed. He feels bad for judging me, but not because he thinks he was wrong, and not because he misses me. I did him a favor a couple of weeks ago, and it has him confused. It wouldn't have ever worked out. We're way too different. He'll remember why he left me soon enough, and all this will stop."

Dane's eyes become alight with intrigue. Crap.

"Why did he leave you? Since you brought it up."

I glance around the club at all the waitresses preparing for the soon-to-be-here customers, and I motion to them. "Because I'm one of them. Not one of you. As a matter of fact, I'm not even good enough to be one of them."

His eyes darken and a flash of anger comes over his face. "He left you because of your financial status? You're serious?"

I huff and quickly shake my head, dreading the mess I've just made. "No. He knew I was poor before we started dating. He was great, but I have baggage. Baggage that could wreck his future plans. It's a long story. I really need to get back to work. My boss will kick my ass if I don't."

He smiles at my playful ending note, but it's forced. And I retreat quickly when my phone buzzes in my pocket. Kade. Again. He's relentless. It'll have to stop soon.

The club is beyond packed. The dancers on the stage are getting catcalls, money tossed, and marriage proposals. What am I getting? Crappy tips and a groped ass. I picked the wrong job.

I head outside to take a break from all the loud music, dancing fools, and touchy customers. The sand finds my heels, and I strip them off to allow my toes to press into it. The ocean sprays the air, making everything seem fresher than it is. It always helps to deal with the madness. And with a view like this, it's easy to forget my problems for a few brief seconds.

Strong, familiar, warm arms wrap around my waist as a small kiss finds my neck, while someone nuzzles their face against me. My heart almost explodes as the contradicting emotions stir a storm within me.

"I've missed you," Kade says, making my first tear fall.

I try to pull away, but he has his arms locked around me, and his soft, perfect lips start making a trail from my ear to my jaw. "I'm sorry, Raya. I'm so fucking sorry. Please forgive me. Come back."

I cry harder. It was hard to read things like this on his cards that were attached to the flowers, but now, hearing it aloud... this is torture.

"Kade, you don't really want me back. You're confused because I saved your vineyard."