Yep. I need to put this back. This feels so wrong.

"My mind is one of the few things I haven't lost yet," Thomas teases, never letting his smile waver.

Kade swallows hard as he wraps an arm around me. "We're about to head out. We've got class tomorrow, but call me if you need anything," he says to his grandfather.

I have a feeling we'll be discussing this damn wine bottle the second we get in the car.

"Just worry about getting good grades and taking her out on special dates. There aren't too many like her. I can already tell."

He gives me a wink, and I blush when Kade looks back at me. He seems... confused?

Thomas walks over and gives me an unexpected hug, that I carefully return without losing a grip on the wine.

"Take care of him," he whispers, offering me a small wink when he pulls back.

I smile and nod. Then Kade steps in to say his farewells as I make my way to the door. I go ahead and pop the trunk to his car, trying to think of the best way to secure the wine.

"I've got it," Kade says, suddenly right beside me with a pile of bubble wrap and a straw-filled crate.

He wraps it up like a priceless gem, and then he secures it in the small crate before covering it in the straw and sealing the lid with several latches.

"I can't believe he gave you the '93 Merlot. What did you say to him?"

I can't tell if he's angry or dumbfounded.

"I didn't tell him anything. I don't want the wine though. You should keep it. After all, it would mean more to you than to me."

"I've already got one. This one and mine are the only two left."

He bites back whatever he wants to say. I really don't want the frigging wine at this point. I never did. I knew it was too precious to give to me.

"Please keep it."

"If he wants you to have it, then you should keep it. It's his wine to do with as he pleases."

I sigh as he closes the trunk and heads to the driver's side. He's not even going to open my door the way he normally does. He invited me into his world to show me a glimpse, and I somehow dove in without permission. I didn't mean to.

This day started out with promise, but it has ended in complete failure. The story of my life. This trip, unlike the ride out here, goes on forever in silence. I'll be sleeping in my room tonight. I know I'm not the perfect girl, but I did nothing wrong. I'll be damned if I let him punish me for receiving a gift from a persistent old man.

Chapter 16


"I'm sorry," Kade says as he kisses my cheek, rousing me from my sleep. "Come to bed with me."

I lazily open my eyes to see him hovering over me in my bedroom. What time is it?

I glance over and groan when I see the clock says three.

"Just go to bed. We'll talk in the morning," I mumble, huffing as I turn back over.

"Tell me I can take you to my bed, and I'll shut up."

"There's nothing wrong with my bed. I want to sleep in here. We'll talk in the morning. When there's light out."

The bed dips as he crawls in beside me and wraps his arms around my waist to pull my back to his front. Soft lips start trailing down my neck, to my shoulder, then back up. I can feel the heat of his skin and the firm touch of his chest grazing my few pieces of shown skin. Of course he's shirtless. He wouldn't dare make this easy on me.

"I said I'm sorry," he murmurs again while nuzzling my neck with his smooth face.