I kiss him to shut him up before I start to cry. I've been desperate to find a way to tell him how I felt, and all along he felt the same way. He smiles as he kisses me harder, and in that moment the rest of the world is shut out as he coils around my body.

Hurried footsteps wake me as someone yells for Kade. I gasp and jerk the cover over my head and my bare body just as the door swings open.

"What the hell?" Kade asks sleepily, sitting up in the bed.

His bare lower half is very distracting right now. How can I listen in when all that is right there - so close to me? My scandalous eyes wander over his morning firmness, and like a lusty fool, I lick my lips, hoping he hurries this conversation along.

"Sorry," Tag grumbles. What's he doing here? "Your mother called and said Raya never came back last night. She's pissed at you, and your parents both went out looking for her. Her bags are in her room. For some ungodly reason, your mom thought she might have crashed with me at my place. I told her I knew you had it bad for her, and I'd never cross that line. She didn't believe me."

Tag almost sounds like he's pouting, and I stifle a giggle. The cover slowly falls back, revealing my crimson face, and I look up to see Kade smiling down at me.

"As you can see, Raya is perfectly safe," Kade says with a daring tone while lying back, barely keeping his center covered.

Tag bursts out laughing as I clutch the cover to my chest, keeping everything hidden and safely tucked out of sight.

"Fucking finally," Tag snickers, shaking his head.

"That's what I said," Kade mumbles, glancing down at me with a small grin.

I roll my eyes. This isn't the wakeup call I wanted. Not at all.

Tag picks up his phone and dials a number as Kade pulls me to him and kisses my cheek, my nose, and then my lips, making me feel like all of this wasn't just a one-night deal.

"Good morning," he murmurs softly with his dazzling grin. "Still good?"

Still good? Good doesn't even have a place in my vocabulary right now. I feel perfect.

"Definitely," I mutter, refraining from getting too crazy on him.

"Yeah," Tag says loudly, drawing my attention toward him as he talks on his phone. "She's safe... No, she was here all night... Where did I find her?" Tag turns to us and my eyes grow wide. Surely he wouldn't. "Kade's bed."

"Oh no," I groan, covering my head again which prompts a laugh from Kade.

"Tell my mother I'd never let Raya wander the streets all night. I wouldn't have been here if she had been missing."

He almost sounds a little irritated, which is sweet, oddly enough. I start kissing his side under the sheet, and his hand drifts down to start caressing my back.

"You can get lost now," Kade says to Tag when my lips start to stray and drift toward the piece of his body that wants my attention.

"I bet," Tag teases, but his voice disappears as the door to the bedroom shuts.

Kade pulls the cover back just as my mouth closes over his erection, and his breath heaves out from his lungs. Now that he's mine... this is going to be fun.

Chapter 14


"When you win every hand, someone can figure out you're cheating," Dad gripes, sulking while leaning back as I toss down my perfect twenty-one.

"Of course they do, but they can't prove it. That's the part that matters," I joke, reminding him of the speech he used to give me when I'd accuse him of cheating.

He grins and shakes his head as I deal out the next set.

"Next time, I'll deal."

"Nah," I mutter, grinning. "You're a recovering addict. It's best if you don't."

He laughs as he glances at his cards. "Hit me."