His head flops back as his hands tangle in my hair, and I pull him in deeper on my next stroke. Air hisses between his teeth when I drag out my strokes, and sud

denly I'm being ripped up and tossed on my back.

I giggle when he rolls his eyes. "You're trying to torture me," he murmurs, letting his own grin fall free.

His head drops down as the condom slides on, and then he nudges my legs farther apart as he settles in between them. He doesn't bother asking me if I'm sure again. I think I've made it perfectly clear by now how much I want him.

His tip teases my entrance, and I arch my hips, doing all I can to force him in while I cling to his back. He stares into my eyes, showing complete desire and no hesitation, a gaze that frees me from anything that could sour this moment. With one quick, sublime thrust, he's inside me, melding his body to mine, and a content sigh rattles from his mouth.

"Finally," he says in a prayer-like tone. "Damn, you feel so good."

His lips brush mine as he keeps himself buried deep within me, and then finally, he starts moving, making those ridiculous sounds bubble free from me again. It was never like this before... oh damn. Never.

He lifts himself to be just barely not touching me as he finds a quicker, more forceful rhythm. I lift my hips and tilt them just right, a move that makes him push deeper, and a sexy, deep moan rumbles from his throat to ignite a fire deep within me.

It's like someone snapped whatever thread was holding him back, and that feral gleam glistens as he abandons any sanity. A grunt slips through my lips when our bodies collide almost brutally, but it feels so perfect.

I hold on as though I'm terrified he'll stop at any minute and destroy this feeling of completion I have. Each violent thrust hits a spot deep within me I didn't even know existed. My stomach muscles tighten as something powerful builds, making me clench my legs against his waist.

The sounds leaving me sound so foreign and unfamiliar as they spill free with an unkempt passion. That build inside me erupts, washing over me with hot and cold tingles that numb me and inflame me with a heady rush. His kiss becomes bruising as he gives up any effort of being gentle, and I unravel, hearing his name fall through my lips in a rambled mumble.

It's almost blurry around me, and everything seems like a haze has settled when he thrusts in hard one last time and stills at the deepest point within me, holding himself there as his head falls to his chest and a harsh breath falls out.

He drops down, slipping out of me, and he pulls me to be on his chest. My limbs feel heavy, and my exhausted heart begs to slow down, but it can't stop racing. I'm worried I might not ever be able to move again.

"I've wanted to do that for so, so long," he says through a panted breath, making me grin.

"You should have said something sooner," I mumble, barely able to make my words not sound slurred.

Drunk. I almost feel drunk right now. How is that possible?

He laughs and then kisses my forehead as he holds me closer to him, making me feel so wanted.

"Don't ever say you're not good enough for me again, because I've never, ever once thought that. If anything, it's the other way around. I've been trying my damnedest to figure out a way to cross this... threshold."

I smile as I kiss his chest, letting my fingers trail over the ink on his skin. It's amazing to feel him pressed against me, breathing heavily after having made me glow.

"The threshold has definitely been crossed - possibly ripped up and thrown away."

He chuckles while shaking his head. We hear the door opening and closing to the front and he stills beside me, grinning as his parents talk loudly.

"If he gets back with Courtney, I'll kick his ass myself," Margaret growls, and Kade's lips find mine as he blocks out any concern that girl's name might have given me.

"He wants Raya. Stop being so dramatic. Kade's a smart boy. He'll figure it out. We need to meet Melanie."

"Fine," Margaret mumbles. "I just need my purse. You may want to call Raya and make sure she's okay."

I look up to Kade. "They don't know we're here?" I whisper.

"My rental car has been here all day, and neither of us bothered to turn on the lights," he whispers back, kissing my neck in small intervals.

"How did you get here from the bar?"

He leans up and gently strokes my hair with the tips of his fingers. "I walked. Well, I ran actually. Tag wanted me to cool down, so he refused to give me a ride."

"Why was Tag with you?"

"He met up with us at the bar. He was supposed to swing by and pick you up, but you were already gone. I tried calling a dozen times before we got to the bar." He sighs out hard, letting his eyes fall from mine. "I'm sorry I lost it. I just saw you with Lyle... and I saw red. It was... stupid, but I've been falling for you for so long... it just.. I couldn't-"