"You okay?" he asks, moving to be in front of me and blocking my view from Kade.

When his hands move to settle on my hips, I suddenly feel like maybe I have done something wrong. Kade probably thinks this is a date, and he doesn't like drama that could interfere with his master plan.

"Are you... Are you or your parents in business with Kade's grandfather?"

"Henry Burndell? Yeah... My mother's company is a huge supplier to them. Why?" he drawls out, seeming confused by what he assumes is a random question.

Damn. No wonder he's looking at me like that. I'm messing up all his plans right now in his eyes. He's all business. And if he got involved with Courtney, knowing she would one day have some pull in her mother's business, then he must really like her.

"I probably should have said something to Kade before-"

I'm stopped short when Lyle is ripped away and shoved against the wall. Kade turns his glare on me, and I feel like crawling under the pool table.

"What the fuck!" Lyle blares. "What the hell is your problem?"

Kade ignores him and keeps his eyes on me.

"Kade!" Tag growls, trying to keep himself between Lyle and Kade. Shit. I've really pissed him off. Worse than I realized.

"What are you doing here with him?" he hisses, venom seeping from his tone as he steps toward me. "What happened to being tired and crashing?"

I've never seen him this mad. Not even in the courtroom that day.

"I... I thought... I'm sorry. I'll go," I mutter, holding back the tears wanting to fall.

"No. Hell no," Lyle interjects. "If you're not dating her, then you have no right-"

"Stay the hell out of it," Kade barks, cutting Lyle off.

"You don't tell me what to do, you arrogant son of a bitch!" Lyle snarls.

Wren comes to join Tag, and they both make sure to keep them separated. What have I done?

"Kade, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off. I just wanted to have some fun," I lie. I certainly can't tell him I couldn't bear to see him with Courtney.

She and Erica are silent as they look on, expressionless. This is utterly humiliating.

"You shouldn't be out with him. You should have stayed in the damn house like you said you were going to, or you should have come out with-"

"I said I'm sorry!" I blare, making anyone who wasn't already looking turn to observe our little show. "I'm leaving now. I'll take the bus back to Sterling Shore and I'll be out of the house before you return. I'm sorry."

I don't look in his eyes to see any more fury as I rush out of the bar, wiping away the tears that have started pouring. He hates me. All this time I thought we were friends, but I'm the trailer-park girl he took pity on. Now I'm the embarrassing thorn he wishes to be rid of.

It's not far to the house from here, and the streets are quiet. At least they're not covered in snow. I'd never make it if they were. A car pulls up to offer me a ride, and though it's incredibly stupid, I accept it because I'm freezing my ass off. I hate Aspen. I hate Kade. I hate myself.

Chapter 13

Close Enough

Paul and Margaret were thankfully still gone when I got back. My shit is packed and ready to go as soon as the sun comes out. There's no way I could have walked all the way to the bus station tonight - in the cold, with no real certainty of which direction to head.

I wouldn't chance riding with another stranger. A cab. Hell yes. I can call a cab. Why didn't I think of that earlier?

My vision is so blurred by my tears that it's hard to see the screen on my phone. I pull up my web browser, but my hands are trembling so hard it's almost impossible to type.

The door to the front slams loudly, rattling as though it might shatter, and I jump in the bed. Angry footsteps make their way toward my door, and I instantly regret not locking it.

I turn away to keep him from seeing my tears when the door swings open.