Before I can argue any further, the screen-door on the trailer swings open, and my mother's shrill squeals deafen everyone. She runs down the rickety steps of the hazardous porch to throw her arms around me.

"Finally! I've missed you so much!" she says with her highest pitch.

"I've missed you, too," I chuckle out.

Kade steps to be in front of my eyes, and over my mother's shoulder, my eyes lock with his. His authentic smile is so warming, and it blurs the lines all the more. It suddenly doesn't matter if he's a prince and I'm a trailer-park girl. I'm falling for Kade Colton.

"And who the hell is this prime piece of perfection?" my mother gushes, ruining the moment between Kade and me as she turns to shamelessly gawk at him.

Her eyes rake over him several times as she takes him all in. His dark hair sweeps his brow - the perfect bed

room messy as always. His deep blues claim me, own me, and make me almost forget my name as I stare with her.

"Kade Colton," he says, extending his hand.

Shit. I was supposed to introduce him.

"Handshakes are for strangers. If you're coming home with my girl, then you're family."

My mother swats away his hand and wraps him up in a far too intimate hug. And I thought people from Sterling Shore had boundary issues.

He grins as he wraps his free arm around her to hug her back, while still clasping the three bags in his other.

I cover my smile with my hand when she lingers. Then I roll my eyes while going to tug her off him.

"Don't maul the guest. Let's go in."

She lets go, reluctantly, but before we can make it up the steps, my stepbrother's body fills the doorway. Gah. It looks like he's gained thirty pounds of solid muscle. His marine tattoos are creeping out all over his arms and neck. His hair is buzzed almost completely, his eyes are bright, but hide jaded scars. I dread what's about to happen.

"It's about damn time," he says with daring grin as he rips me up from the ground in a crushing hug.

I strain for air as he holds me tighter, and he laughs when I tap his shoulder three times to tap-out.

"Damn. Lay off the steroids," I grumble as he puts me down.

He chuckles loudly, and then he shakes his head. "Pure and solid, baby sister. Pure and fucking solid."

His eyes darken when they trail down to Kade, and I suck in a breath. Crap. No one warned him.

"Who's pretty boy?"

I wince and turn to see Kade stifling a grin. Whew. He isn't mad.

"This is Kade, my... friend?" I ask rather than say. "Play nice, Josh."

"I'll play," he says threateningly, forcing me to roll my eyes while pushing him back in the house.

He goes willingly, otherwise I'd be in trouble. There's no way I could get him to budge on my own.

We left before the sun came up, but already it's starting to descend. I'm ready to get this weekend over. I think it's messing with my head because I can't stop looking at Kade.

He has to duck under the trailer's doorway, and the low ceilings inside only miss his head by about six inches. He'll be dodging ceiling fans all weekend.

My stepdad is snoring on the recliner, but I'm actually thankful. I'll do introductions for him later. Kade needs a break from my crazy family anyhow.

My brother has devoured one bottle of wine already. It makes me a little nauseated, considering Kade probably spent a couple thousand dollars on it. My stepfather has roused from his sleep a few times, but he keeps passing back out. It's too much effort for him to stay awake.

It's late, I'm tired, and I can't wait to collapse to my old bed.